Friday, June 29, 2012


    My sanity is definitely suffering from the lost run yesterday, I am hoping to get a run in tomorrow morning. This 100+ weather is killing me, it's not so bad that I barely get 5-6 hours of sleep if I am able to run in the evenings BUT not when it is still around 95-100 degrees!!! I hate this weather and I want to cry, because there is nothing I can do about it and it really irritates me. The forecast for the next 10 days is saying 95 and above, I am losing hope on the Half but honestly I began thinking a lot yesterday. Maybe I am moving to quickly? Maybe my body needs a bit more time and I need to slow down some, the training schedule has me stressing out if I miss a run and the heat is pretty much killing what fun this was for me. I don't know if it's the heat, me or just feeling a little stressed but I think I am going to start running/training by myself rather than the group. I can't make it to the 6 p.m runs with the temperature being around 100 degrees, my body just can't handle that right now, I can't always make it to the Saturday morning runs to meet them, and feeling like this is a do or die training schedule is killing me. I want to do the Half, I really, really, REALLY do but I think it will be better if I train on my own and at my pace, a pace that my still recovering body can handle rather than trying to keep up with the 9:50-10 minute a mile people that I was running with last year no problem. It would probably be a different story if the weather wasn't like this, who knows, but for the most part I know what is best for me, and I need to start listening to it.
    I wish I had a treadmill, I wish we lived near Ivy Tech again so I could go in there and run on the treadmill but we don't. Gym memberships are so dang expensive around here, especially when I would only be using very little, the cheaper ones don't open until 9 a.m and that doesn't help me at all. I need a 24 hour gym, and those run $60 a month. It is definitely irritating, and most depressing but I've just got to keep going and start making this fun again, instead of planning a run, just go when the time feels right.

    Ugh.................STUPID WEATHER!!!!!

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