Saturday, June 9, 2012

Weekend Difficulties

  I didn't run this morning, I got up at 5 or at least I forced myself up at 5 in the morning to get ready. When I grabbed my phone, I saw Shauna had text messaged me, stating she wouldn't be able to make it because Chris got wasted last night and wasn't able to make it off the couch and Shauna didn't feel right asking Mom to watch her kids after she watched them last night for 6 hours. So I thought to myself.... I really needed sleep, I went to sleep around midnight but did not fall asleep until around 2 a.m, and felt like crap. I asked Cameron what I should do, run now or run later. He said to run later, and I agreed so I went back to sleep. Shauna doesn't think she'll be able to run at all today, but maybe tomorrow and I don't want to take any chances of missing my weekend long run so I am thinking about running after Cameron and I get back from the movies and get my 2 miles in then. Now I just have to decide where I am going to do it, probably Newburgh Locks and Dam, it is closer to the house, though there is the bike trail in the county that just opened and I am thinking seriously of checking that out.

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