Sunday, June 24, 2012

Late Evening Long Run

   Last night's run was close to 9 p.m, and I don't think I will be doing that too often. There are too many punks and trash out there (where I've got to go run) and it is too tempting to use my pepper spray lol, I honestly wish parents would raise their kids to respect others. Thankfully the ones I've confronted have bluffed, and when I call their bluff they back off, so far at least.
   Anyways, the 2.75 miles was tough.....ish; the first mile my pace was between 11:30 and 12 minutes a mile which is a slight disappointment for me but strangely the last mile was under 11 minutes, and the last .3 miles was a very steep hill and my pace had hit 10:04 which was weird since I was tired. I think it was mainly due to the fact that my bowels decided there was no time to wait, so I think that sped me up. Then the bathrooms up near the parking lot, the lights were off and it was too dark and I just did not feel safe going in there in pitch black so I went behind a tree. Ugh, I will have to do my best to empty my bowels before my runs because that is just uncomfortable. The run wasn't bad, I am glad I got it over with and even though my pace was slower than usual, I felt comfortable enough to keep going and that is all that matters.

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