Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Trying to Get Back to it

  For ten long months....... okay maybe just 7 of those 10 months; I did not try to lose weight but kept up on workouts that were safe for me during pregnancy. I gained around 32 lbs, started gaining that weight after the Half Marathon in October, and it was not easy watching that scale go up. It has been 2 months and 5 days since Dorian was born, and my weight will not go below 149, but bounces back up to 155 sporadically. I had weighed around 164 when I gave birth to Dorian, and though it feels great to finally have him out of me and in my arms, I still feel like a fight ass. During pregnancy, I forced myself to remain confident that I would get back to my before pregnancy body, but over the last couple of weeks I have begun to lose hope. Jumpstart training began May 22, it is now June 19 and we are up to 2.5 miles today and I see no progress with my body. I was hoping that as the mileage increased, the lbs would decrease but it doesn't seem like that is the case. 90% of that body I had, which really was just average if I am going to be honest with myself, came from a year of working out in the gym, weight training, not cardio, not running. Now I just don't have the chance or time to go to the gym at Ivy Tech, and I am not able to get a membership at a gym like Bob's Gym where I could go anytime...........though now that I think about it I could sneak out around 5 a.m every other day and go...... Dorian doesn't wake up to eat until 6:30-7:00 a.m so I could get out and get an hour of weight lifting in before he would notice... I need it, I really do; I mean I can do all the ab exercises at home but my legs and back and arms need machines and the little workouts I have for home just aren't going to cut it at all. I am trying to get up to 2 minute plank position 2x a day every day, some days are good days and some I have to divide those 4 minutes into 1 minute planks 4x.
   I am going to think more about Bob's Gym, Newburgh has one but I don't know how early they open and I am not sure if Cameron would be okay with it, heck I am barely getting 6 hours of sleep as it is, going to bed between 12-1 a.m on most nights and very few nights being as early as 11 p.m. I miss the gym so much.........

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