Thursday, June 21, 2012

Milestone for Me

This morning after I pumped, I decided to do the plank position and get myself to 2 minutes before quitting, for the last 3 days or so I have been able to do 2 minutes. Well, when I hit 2 minutes I decided to push more and try longer. I made it to 2 minutes and 32 seconds this morning!!!!!!!! I am so excited, and hoping this is a milestone that will gradually keep climbing, I know I might not make it to 2 minutes everyday because my arms have to bear the weight as well and sometimes they are just tired, I also still feel it in my left knee which is why I am hoping that the Plank Position doesn't effect tonight's run. They say in order to reach 2 minutes, your core must be in fit condition... or maybe it is all of the abdominal muscles? I can't remember, but since I have been reaching 2 minutes for a couple days straight now, all I am really needing at this point is to burn the fat away so that my muscles will start showing through. The only way that is really going to happen is with running, so I am going to try and be patient, more patient than usual which is EXTREMELY difficult for me. I think I have too much time for my mind to go around with all this, probably why I could never finish any of my books, I always start off great and know where I am going to go with it but then by the 3 chapter I've already finished it in my head......... ugh and I had some really good stories that could have been published.
    Tonight's run is 2 miles, I told Shauna already that I am going to take it slow and easy, at least for the first mile and then see where I am at after that mile. Last Tuesday, I only had maybe 2 or 3 16 oz bottles of water, that could have also been a issue too. We will have to see how tonight goes, see what works tonight and what might not have worked Tuesday night.
    Dorian is getting so big, he is already 11 lbs at almost 10 weeks old and talking so much (baby talk, not forming words yet) and smiling. He is so adorable, I honestly don't think I could fall anymore in love with him than I already am. Even at this age he is already showing so much personality it is unbelievable, I can't wait to see him at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 4 years and so on but I am going to miss these first months.

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