Friday, January 24, 2014

Being Insanely BadA$$ never Felt so..........Brrrr it's freaking cold!

   I almost didn't go out this morning, I was still tired and it was freaking cold. I kept telling myself to stop being a chicken, I had ran in even colder weather just last month and this was only 3 degrees. I got up at 4:25 AM, my clothing was: long sleeve thermal dry fit thingy, my brooks nightlife long sleeve (slightly warmer), and my brooks wind breaker. I wore my tights, and my capris over them along with my dry wool socks and trail shoes. I decided to only wear one pair of gloves which turned out not too bad (strangely), and I wore a ski mask this time, along with my head band and opted out of not wearing the hat so that my head lamp would sit on my head right.
   The ski mask kind of sucked, it was wicking or whatever so my sweat lingered along my cheeks and the inside of the ski mask. Thankfully Rocky and I were only running 6 miles, though in the beginning I was tempted to just run 4 instead. The middle of my left foot was kind of hurting this morning, but not during the run so I am really using my moji foot massager thingy right now hoping this aggravation will be gone before Sunday's 14 miler.
  The run wasn't bad at all, even for 3 degrees I actually felt pretty good though around mile 4 my foot almost went through ice and it seemed like there were more bike tracks and foot tracks than on Wednesday. We saw a lot of deer out in the woods, and nothing else. I have been jealous every time I see another runner with frosted eye lashes, because I have never had them and think they really awesome. I finally got my wish this morning and was smart enough to take a picture!

Rocky really enjoyed it, he kept rutting around in the snow and ice and I think he would have gone for another 6 miles but I didn't really want to be out there for another hour AND it was almost 7 AM and we had to get home.
  Rocky and I ran 6 miles in 1:10:20 with an average pace of 11:43 min/mile, elevation gain of 70 feet and a loss of 77 feet. It was 3 degrees the whole time, no wind thankfully as we were next the river (of course). It was definitely a slow run, I didn't want to hurt my ankles again and the last mile I had my head lamp off and it was really peaceful.
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:03
Mile 2 - 11:01
Mile 3 - 10:49
Mile 4 - 12:13
Mile 5 - 12:22
Mile 6 - 11:49

    I guess, due to having frosted eye lashes this time, I definitely want to submit this into the weekly Baconator contest. :)

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