Friday, January 17, 2014

A windy, cold run with flurries and Rocky

   Another morning that found me not wanting to get up and out bed, going to bed late and just not feeling it. I got up though, because we have two kids coming to stay with us tonight and I knew I wouldn't get my run in any other part of today. I drank a cup of coffee, got dressed and then had to snuggle with Dorian for a few minutes as he woke up just as I was getting out of the bathroom. When I knew he was back to sleep, I got up, got Rocky ready and headed out the door. 
   It was 25 degrees with a feels like 15, Garmin says it was 10 mph NW winds but I could have sworn that it was more like 15 mph winds - especially near the end. I dressed appropriately and felt pretty comfortable throughout the run, I chose hills early on and then changed my route last minute to a relatively flat route compared to what I had planned. There were flurries, lots of it but thankfully not a lot of traffic and no buses so that was a nice relief.
   Rocky and I ran 6.3 miles in 1:04:50 with an average pace of 10:17 min/mile, elevation gain of 141 feet and a loss of 133 feet. This was supposed to be an easy run and most of it was, even when I got down to around a 10 min pace but the last mile was faster than I liked, because I had to go to the bathroom and did not want to do it out there this time. Plus there were some loose dogs nearing the 5.4 mile mark so I sped up to keep Rocky from seeing them and them seeing us.
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:04
Mile 2 - 10:42
Mile 3 - 10:38
Mile 4 - 10:12
Mile 5 - 10:03
Mile 6 - 9:24
.3       - 9:10

    Despite the last two miles being around a 9 min pace, which I don't consider easy for me yet, it was an easy run overall. Nice and easy following my progression run Wednesday night, and my big toe didn't hurt (thank the running gods), actually everything felt great overall. Sunday should see another 14.2 miler........ thought I am quite tempted to aim for a 15 miler instead but we will see when we reach that final turn/road.

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