Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Not So Great Long Run

  Sadly, I must admit I was a pansy when I made the decision to run last night around 9:20 p.m. The forecast was threatening rain and lots of it from midnight to 3 p.m, I am alright with running in rain when the temperature is 65+ but running in raining during 34 degrees is not something I want to do. I was also supposed to hit my first 14 miler, didn't happen. There is a reason why I run my LRs in the early morning on a relatively empty stomach - no GI issues normally, and that wasn't the case last night, not to mention my legs just weren't feeling it and I couldn't find a good slow pace.
  I was going into my second loop just before mile 7 when an icy type of rain started falling so I decided to turn around and head back to the house and grab my rain jacket (and also take some clothing off). I got back at around 10:30 and DH was saying maybe I should just call it an 8 miler and be done as Dorian was tired and wanted to go to sleep. I begged him for at least 2 more miles, and he said yes so I went ahead and took Rocky with me. I decided I was going to try and hit 12 miles at least, and give Rocky 4 miles as he won't be running with me Monday.
  By the time we got home, DH and Dorian were in bed and I was tired and really sore. That little 5 minutes of ice/rain/sleet was it, no more. I ran 12 miles in 2:00:50 with an average pace of 10:04 min/mile, temperature around 34 and the wind started picking up during the last 2 miles. Elevation gain of 256 feet and a loss of 259 feet (my goal was to at least reach 400 feet, but I didn't run all of the route I had planned).
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:03
Mile 2 - 10:11
Mile 3 - 10:17
Mile 4 - 10:10
Mile 5 - 9:57
Mile 6 - 10:04
Mile 7 - 9:54
Mile 8 - 10:11
Mile 9 - 10:04
Mile 10 - 10:16
Mile 11 - 9:55
Mile 12 - 9:47

   I went to bed sore, and had tried to drink 16 oz of water but managed 14 oz of water. I did have one Strawberry-Banana gu at 10 miles, about 6 oz of water and some of my Grape Frost Gatorade. I went to bed somewhat satisfied, figuring I had showed Mother Nature whose bada$$ only to wake up this morning at 6:30 to see no rain whatsoever.......... I think Mother Nature showed me whose Bada$$. :(
  Monday, might not even happen though. I think I would be seriously stupid if I went out the door in -3 degrees with a windchill of -24 degrees and 19 mph NW winds (at 5 a.m).... even I think it would make me a moron to go out in that. It won't get any better throughout the day either, so I might take Monday along with today as rest days from running. Tuesday is not really any better, at 5 a.m it will be -3 degrees with a windchill of -19 degrees and 10 mph WSW winds... I think I've got the gear but I am not sure if I should wear to layers of tights or just one and hope my butt doesn't freeze and fall off.

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