Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Chilly but Nice MLR on the Trails with Rocky

  I was actually able to wake up this morning, and get up! Actually... I woke up at 3:40 AM, which was a little aggravating as my alarm goes off at 4:10 AM so there really wasn't any point to try and fall back to sleep so I laid there for a few minutes before getting up. I got up, got dressed and went out to start my Tahoe so it could warm up. I then came back in, toasted me a cinnamon raisin english muffin with some Dark Chocolate Peanut Better and I had some coffee.
  We were out the door by 4:40 AM I think, but along the way on a road straight to the trails there were 8 police cars (or sheriffs... ?) on the road so I had to take a detour which took 15 minutes of running time away, later I found out that someone who had been walking on the roadside was hit by a car that took off (a hit and run). I believe they said he is dead :(
  Rocky and I got to the trails, 19 degrees with a feels like 10 but not bad as there wasn't really a wind ( 7 mph S). I didn't wear my hat, can't wear it with my headlamp so I had to go with out that. I wore my headband, windbreaker jacket and my usual two wicking long sleeve shirts, and my tights.
  The run went like the usual ones have this past week or so, spotted many deer again. I think they like bed down near the trail that is along the edge of the fields.... I probably saw 20-30 pairs of eyes. I try not to stare straight at them, I don't want to disturb them as I know they need to conserve their energy to keep warm so if my light shines on any eyes, I try to act as if I don't see them and keep moving along. They seem to have gotten used to me, usually they won't really take off or move unless I come within 10 feet of them.
   My ankles are hating the trails, I can't wait for warmer weather to start thawing the ground.... though it doesn't look like that is going to happen even in February. Hopefully we don't see any rain though, I think as long as the trails are allowed to thaw, things won't get muddy or nasty. These are the only 24/7 trails close enough to me for my weekly runs... I wish we lived near more trail options (like Hoosier National Forest).
  I am going to start calling these 8 milers my MLR (Mid-Long-Runs), not really focus on progression runs until my marathon training starts.
  Throughout the run, I had to holler at Rocky a few times as he would stop somewhere to sniff and I wouldn't be able to hear him, heck sometimes he was a quarter of a mile behind me. It was aggravating, but I know he loves sniffing and he loves racing up behind me. Other than him and the deer, the run went great and no coyotes or any other animals were noticed.
  Rocky and I ran 8 miles in 1:27:52 with an average pace of 10:58 min/mile, definitely not a fast run for me but what can I do, I am trying not to break my ankles while still enjoying the trails. I am willing to give up some speed to enjoy the peace and tranquility of nature, at least while the ground and tracks are frozen solid. Elevation gain of 100 feet and a loss of 102 feet.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:37
Mile 2 - 10:25
Mile 3 - 10:02
Mile 4 - 11:08
Mile 5 - 11:17
Mile 6 - 11:07
Mile 7 - 11:31
Mile 8 - 10:42
Total time: 1:27:52

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