Friday, January 31, 2014

On the Trails with Rocky

  I was able to get up and out the door this morning, of course Dorian and I went to bed around 8:30 last night so I think I got some good sleep. It was 30 degrees this morning, felt like summer compared to the last few days. The trails were still frozen, I can't wait until they finally start thawing out dang it.
  We ran 6.3 miles in 1:08:24, with an average pace of 10:51 min/mile and an elevation gain of 86 feet and a loss of 101 feet. The last .2 miles was on the riverfront "beach", which thankfully the sand was frozen. Sadly this "warmer weather" isn't going to last, and we'll back in the colder temps by next week... yay.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:03
Mile 2 - 11:03
Mile 3 - 10:33
Mile 4 - 11:05
Mile 5 - 10:58
Mile 6 - 10:00
.3       - 8:59

    I hate being in the 11 minute + range dang it, but I keep telling myself it is more about being on the trails.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Chilly but Nice MLR on the Trails with Rocky

  I was actually able to wake up this morning, and get up! Actually... I woke up at 3:40 AM, which was a little aggravating as my alarm goes off at 4:10 AM so there really wasn't any point to try and fall back to sleep so I laid there for a few minutes before getting up. I got up, got dressed and went out to start my Tahoe so it could warm up. I then came back in, toasted me a cinnamon raisin english muffin with some Dark Chocolate Peanut Better and I had some coffee.
  We were out the door by 4:40 AM I think, but along the way on a road straight to the trails there were 8 police cars (or sheriffs... ?) on the road so I had to take a detour which took 15 minutes of running time away, later I found out that someone who had been walking on the roadside was hit by a car that took off (a hit and run). I believe they said he is dead :(
  Rocky and I got to the trails, 19 degrees with a feels like 10 but not bad as there wasn't really a wind ( 7 mph S). I didn't wear my hat, can't wear it with my headlamp so I had to go with out that. I wore my headband, windbreaker jacket and my usual two wicking long sleeve shirts, and my tights.
  The run went like the usual ones have this past week or so, spotted many deer again. I think they like bed down near the trail that is along the edge of the fields.... I probably saw 20-30 pairs of eyes. I try not to stare straight at them, I don't want to disturb them as I know they need to conserve their energy to keep warm so if my light shines on any eyes, I try to act as if I don't see them and keep moving along. They seem to have gotten used to me, usually they won't really take off or move unless I come within 10 feet of them.
   My ankles are hating the trails, I can't wait for warmer weather to start thawing the ground.... though it doesn't look like that is going to happen even in February. Hopefully we don't see any rain though, I think as long as the trails are allowed to thaw, things won't get muddy or nasty. These are the only 24/7 trails close enough to me for my weekly runs... I wish we lived near more trail options (like Hoosier National Forest).
  I am going to start calling these 8 milers my MLR (Mid-Long-Runs), not really focus on progression runs until my marathon training starts.
  Throughout the run, I had to holler at Rocky a few times as he would stop somewhere to sniff and I wouldn't be able to hear him, heck sometimes he was a quarter of a mile behind me. It was aggravating, but I know he loves sniffing and he loves racing up behind me. Other than him and the deer, the run went great and no coyotes or any other animals were noticed.
  Rocky and I ran 8 miles in 1:27:52 with an average pace of 10:58 min/mile, definitely not a fast run for me but what can I do, I am trying not to break my ankles while still enjoying the trails. I am willing to give up some speed to enjoy the peace and tranquility of nature, at least while the ground and tracks are frozen solid. Elevation gain of 100 feet and a loss of 102 feet.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:37
Mile 2 - 10:25
Mile 3 - 10:02
Mile 4 - 11:08
Mile 5 - 11:17
Mile 6 - 11:07
Mile 7 - 11:31
Mile 8 - 10:42
Total time: 1:27:52

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Chilly and a Little Eerie Trail Run with Rocky

   I did not run yesterday, these single digits and negative digits are really beginning to drive me into depression, I don't care about the bacon award anymore da*n it. I did not run this morning, 7 degrees with a wind chill of -7 so I asked my mom to watch Dorian this evening so I could run in 12 degrees.
   I almost tried to go to John James Audubon with Rocky, and sneak him onto the trails but it just didn't seem like it was going to work (stupid DNR guy) so we headed to Angel Mounds trails. The fields out by the trailhead and parking lot were loaded with deer, there had to be 50 or more. The sun was still lighting the woods up some, so I left my head lamp in the tahoe thinking my eyes would adjust..... boy was I wrong, around mile 1.25 Rocky and I made the turn around onto a trail heading back to the tahoe - I was going to get my headlamp. We got to the Tahoe just after mile 3, I got my headlamp and we headed back out on the trails. We took the inner trail and I was planning on taking the trail that went close to the Angel Mounds fence to head back to the Tahoe and make 6 miles.... that didn't happen. 
   Around mile 4, in the middle of these woods I hear a sound as a Hoosier I don't want to hear when I don't have my pepper spray on me and it's now dark out - Coyotes, and not just one or 2 but most likely a pack of 4 or 5. Grant you, most times they'll leave you alone, but some animals can get really cranky with dogs so I was a little concerned. Luckily we didn't run into them, and we got 6.3 miles done in 1:08:37 with an average pace of 10:54 min/mile, an elevation gain of 98 feet and a loss of 109 feet. Temperatures were 12 degrees, no wind - my face was completely numb but overall a good run and I hope I'll have the energy and drive to get up Thursday morning for my 8 miler on the trails.
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:16
Mile 2 - 11:13
Mile 3 - 11:29
Mile 4 - 11:03
Mile 5 - 10:34
Mile 6 - 10:06

Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Challenging Run on the Trails with Rocky

   This morning I woke up at 4 AM and looked at my phone's Accuweather thingy which was reading 43 degrees..... bull-hockey I thought so I got up and went to the computer which also read 43, the thermometer outside read 28 or 30 degrees... so I was set on it being colder than 40. I started my coffee, got dressed and went out to start my Tahoe and then came back in to eat a Cinnamon English Muffin with this new Peanut Butter with Dark Chocolate (delicious in moderation, as in less than a tablespoon), I had a cup of coffee and water with it. I finished getting ready, putting my fuel belt on with two Chocolate Outrage Gu's and one Mandarin Orange, filled up one of the 8 oz bottles with Raspberry Lemonade Gatorade and the other with the Lime Gatorade. I then put Rocky's pack on him that held our two water bottles, his collapsible bowl, a cereal bar for him and some sweet potato snacks made for toddlers but Dorian doesn't like them so I figured Rocky would make better use of them. I put my windbreaker jacket on, and my gloves, while dressed in my usual 2 layers of long sleeves (under the windbreaker), tights, headband and hat which I later took off before mile 1 because I can't have my hat on with my headlamp.
   Rocky and I headed out the door just before 5 AM, and headed to the trails with intentions of running 14 miles (as long as Rocky felt like it). Started the run at 5:11 AM, immediately took my hat off and stuck in the doggy pack as it kept causing my headlamp to fall down over my eyes. Temperature in Tahoe was like 26, finishing temperature that my Garmin shows is 41  with a feels like 34 which I assume is what it was when I finished? Wind speeds of 13 mph SSE, but you can't really feel it when in the woods, which is why I chose to run the trails.
  I'll be honest, my legs are getting tired of the nasty tracks people and animals have been leaving on the trails, and I really wonder if trails/dirt is any better than roads when they are frozen solid and have millions of jagged speed bumps trying to rip your ankles out from under you....... ugh. Other than the murderous tracks and roots, the run was very peaceful and I kept swearing that I am going to videotape/record some of it one of these mornings before things start thawing out.... it is just so peaceful out there. We spotted lots of deer, I mean LOTS, probably a total of 30-40 pairs of eyes though I assume some were the same deer having moved. A lot of them were still bedded down, probably wondering why some two-legged moron is out running and wasting valuable energy that could be keeping it warm...... animals just don't understand lol.
  Just after mile 6, Rocky ate the cereal bar while I made a pit stop... at least I think it was mile 6? Around mile 9, we headed back to the Tahoe as it was bright enough to no longer need my headlamp and I wanted to drop a few other things off (my windbreaker, hat and face mask that I had put in the doggy pack just in case). While I stuck those things in the Tahoe, I filled Rocky's bowl with water... I know I had sipped some gatorade somewhere between mile 7 and 9 but I can't freaking remember when. After Rocky was satisfied with water, we headed back onto the trails to get the final 5 miles in. At mile 11.something or just around 2 hours we stopped and I consumed a Chocolate Gu while Rocky ate the sweet potato snacks, I then followed the Gu with some water.
  I was feeling pretty good, legs were tired but around mile 14 we stopped and I thought for a moment.... Rocky was doing so great and I didn't want another 14 miler, I wanted to hit 15 this morning. So after some thinking, we turned down another trail that made a small loop back to where the Tahoe was. It was tough, no lying there but we ran 15 miles in 2:39:11 with an average pace of 10:37 min/mile, elevation gain of 201 feet and a loss of 175 feet. Overall a great run, I'll most likely be feeling it tonight and tomorrow but Rocky feels great and I am glad we were able to run 15 miles.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:27
Mile 2 - 10:25
Mile 3 - 10:12
Mile 4 - 11:18
Mile 5 - 11:29
Mile 6 - 10:21
Mile 7 - 10:24
Mile 8 - 10:53
Mile 9 - 10:39
Mile 10 - 10:48
Mile 11 - 10:10
Mile 12 - 9:49
Mile 13 - 10:37
Mile 14 - 10:15
Mile 15 - 10:26

    Awesome run, and it makes me even more excited to see how much closer I am to the coveted 20 mile mark.... but I am going to be smart and intelligent and not go out after it with the tenacity that has injured me in the past. That 20 mile mark will come in good time, this Summer if all thing go well.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Being Insanely BadA$$ never Felt so..........Brrrr it's freaking cold!

   I almost didn't go out this morning, I was still tired and it was freaking cold. I kept telling myself to stop being a chicken, I had ran in even colder weather just last month and this was only 3 degrees. I got up at 4:25 AM, my clothing was: long sleeve thermal dry fit thingy, my brooks nightlife long sleeve (slightly warmer), and my brooks wind breaker. I wore my tights, and my capris over them along with my dry wool socks and trail shoes. I decided to only wear one pair of gloves which turned out not too bad (strangely), and I wore a ski mask this time, along with my head band and opted out of not wearing the hat so that my head lamp would sit on my head right.
   The ski mask kind of sucked, it was wicking or whatever so my sweat lingered along my cheeks and the inside of the ski mask. Thankfully Rocky and I were only running 6 miles, though in the beginning I was tempted to just run 4 instead. The middle of my left foot was kind of hurting this morning, but not during the run so I am really using my moji foot massager thingy right now hoping this aggravation will be gone before Sunday's 14 miler.
  The run wasn't bad at all, even for 3 degrees I actually felt pretty good though around mile 4 my foot almost went through ice and it seemed like there were more bike tracks and foot tracks than on Wednesday. We saw a lot of deer out in the woods, and nothing else. I have been jealous every time I see another runner with frosted eye lashes, because I have never had them and think they really awesome. I finally got my wish this morning and was smart enough to take a picture!

Rocky really enjoyed it, he kept rutting around in the snow and ice and I think he would have gone for another 6 miles but I didn't really want to be out there for another hour AND it was almost 7 AM and we had to get home.
  Rocky and I ran 6 miles in 1:10:20 with an average pace of 11:43 min/mile, elevation gain of 70 feet and a loss of 77 feet. It was 3 degrees the whole time, no wind thankfully as we were next the river (of course). It was definitely a slow run, I didn't want to hurt my ankles again and the last mile I had my head lamp off and it was really peaceful.
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:03
Mile 2 - 11:01
Mile 3 - 10:49
Mile 4 - 12:13
Mile 5 - 12:22
Mile 6 - 11:49

    I guess, due to having frosted eye lashes this time, I definitely want to submit this into the weekly Baconator contest. :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Really Chilly, Frozen Trail Run with Rocky

    Last night I decided that Rocky and I were going to run the trails this morning, I was sick and tired of being denied the trails by mother nature so I said screw it. It was cold enough to have the trails frozen, and even any of the flooded areas so I figured it couldn't be as bad as December's trail runs. I actually ended up waking up before 4 AM, strangely with some pep ..... *I am paying for it now*.
    Rocky and I got out the door by 4:15-4:20 AM, and we hit the trails at 4:47 AM, it was 9 degrees out and the air coming off the river made it even colder. I didn't wear my face mask and near the end I was really wishing I had, my nose was freaking numb. The trails weren't bad, they were frozen but there were a lot of deep bike tracks and foot tracks that were trying to break my ankles. The good news was that all the flooded areas were completely frozen, I counted 20 spots deeper than 5 inches and 5ft-10ft across all ways. It sucks that these are the closest trails to my house that are open 24/7, if only I lived closer to Hoosier National Forest..... anyways
    During the final mile, I just about snapped my right ankle on a stupid, deep foot print.... or at least it felt like I had snapped it. The pain did go away after a minute or so, but it felt like forever. Rocky and I ran 8 miles in 1:24:44 with an average pace of 10:35 min/mile, elevation gain of 114 feet and a loss of 115 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:57
Mile 2 - 10:31
Mile 3 - 10:04
Mile 4 - 10:49
Mile 5 - 10:38
Mile 6 - 10:31
Mile 7 - 9:46
Mile 8 - 10:25

  Not a progression run, but it still felt great getting out on the trails. I might just have to hit the trails again Friday.

Monday, January 20, 2014

A Slow, Sore Recovery Run with Rocky

   Amazingly, I wasn't sore waking up this morning but the run was pretty sore for the first 2 miles. I don't know how I screwed up my route but I had to end it with 5 miles rather than 6.3, but I am kind of glad as my legs were really beginning to feel yesterday's run towards the end of this morning's run.
   We actually finished just as dawn was starting to show a little bit of light, and the moon was extremely bright so it was really peaceful during this run. There weren't too many cars out either, so that was definitely nice. I avoided the hilly roads, and I think my legs were happy about that.
  Rocky and I ran 5 miles in 55:08 with an average pace of 11:01 min/mile, elevation gain of 69 feet and a loss of 70 feet. Temperature was 34 degrees with a feels like 27, wind was at 8 mph SSW. Not bad, felt pretty good actually. The temperature is expected to drop this week though, another cold front coming in (pooh).
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:20
Mile 2 - 11:16
Mile 3 - 10:58
Mile 4 - 10:59
Mile 5 - 10:32

      Definitely a slow run, slower than what I consider an easy pace for me BUT this was meant to be a recovery run so that is okay.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Sunny and Windy Long Run

   I did not get up and out the door before dawn this time, Dorian had me up most of the night as he was dealing with some headache or something. I had gone to pick up my mom and brought her home to watch Dorian, and then I headed out the door at 10:20 AM. It was a little tough during the first 3 miles trying to find my stride and slow down, but I kept at it hoping things would subside. Eventually around 3-4 miles things did get better and I was definitely feeling good, so I was feeling pretty positive about the run.
   It was 27 degrees with a feels like 17, winds at 10 mph W and sunny so when the wind was blowing I was feeling pretty toasty, but then would be reminded (by the wind) how glad I was for dressing the way I did. I was also glad I brought my sunglasses.
  I ran 14.3 miles in 2:20:17 with an average pace of 9:49 min/mile, elevation gain of 321 feet and a loss of 333 feet. Strange, I ran .1 mile more than last Sunday but faster than last Sunday (2:21:42), but less elevation gain (383 feet) which is weird as I ran the same route. So weird, but I did manage to hold off on using a gu until mile 11:3 which is really good as I normally eat my first one around mile 8 or 9 but decided I was going to hold off until 2 hours so I managed to hold off until around 1:52:XX and felt good. It was the Mandarin Orange which tasted pretty good, I did drink more gatorade though to make up for it.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:59
Mile 2 - 9:52
Mile 3 - 9:55
Mile 4 - 10:03
Mile 5 - 10:05
Mile 6 - 10:01
Mile 7 - 9:41
Mile 8 - 9:42
Mile 9 - 9:46
Mile 10 - 9:45
Mile 11 - 9:41
Mile 12 - 9:40
Mile 13 - 9:51
Mile 14 - 9:27
.3        - 9:32

Friday, January 17, 2014

A windy, cold run with flurries and Rocky

   Another morning that found me not wanting to get up and out bed, going to bed late and just not feeling it. I got up though, because we have two kids coming to stay with us tonight and I knew I wouldn't get my run in any other part of today. I drank a cup of coffee, got dressed and then had to snuggle with Dorian for a few minutes as he woke up just as I was getting out of the bathroom. When I knew he was back to sleep, I got up, got Rocky ready and headed out the door. 
   It was 25 degrees with a feels like 15, Garmin says it was 10 mph NW winds but I could have sworn that it was more like 15 mph winds - especially near the end. I dressed appropriately and felt pretty comfortable throughout the run, I chose hills early on and then changed my route last minute to a relatively flat route compared to what I had planned. There were flurries, lots of it but thankfully not a lot of traffic and no buses so that was a nice relief.
   Rocky and I ran 6.3 miles in 1:04:50 with an average pace of 10:17 min/mile, elevation gain of 141 feet and a loss of 133 feet. This was supposed to be an easy run and most of it was, even when I got down to around a 10 min pace but the last mile was faster than I liked, because I had to go to the bathroom and did not want to do it out there this time. Plus there were some loose dogs nearing the 5.4 mile mark so I sped up to keep Rocky from seeing them and them seeing us.
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:04
Mile 2 - 10:42
Mile 3 - 10:38
Mile 4 - 10:12
Mile 5 - 10:03
Mile 6 - 9:24
.3       - 9:10

    Despite the last two miles being around a 9 min pace, which I don't consider easy for me yet, it was an easy run overall. Nice and easy following my progression run Wednesday night, and my big toe didn't hurt (thank the running gods), actually everything felt great overall. Sunday should see another 14.2 miler........ thought I am quite tempted to aim for a 15 miler instead but we will see when we reach that final turn/road.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Nice Progression Run with Rocky

   I was not feeling it this morning, I woke up with a tense headache and just didn't feel like getting out for a run. Luckily mom was willing to watch the monkey after she got off work so Rocky and I were able to take a break from the roads and insane drivers, and run the Greenway. 
  Rocky and I started off, it wasn't bad but around mile 1 my left big toe started hurting and I could get my stride the way I wanted. My toe acted that way pretty much until around mile 3 and then finally subsided but I still just couldn't get into a great run. It was pretty flat course overall, 94 feet elevation gain and 86 feet of loss. Temperature was 27 degrees with a feels like 20, pretty chilly for the first 2-3 miles. 
  Rocky and I ran the 7.3 miles in 1:07:30, not quite as fast as the 7 miler two weeks ago that was around 1:02:00 but that was only 7 miles, but I didn't get under 8 min pace this time. I am just glad I got the run in, along with 5 sets of 200 Bicycle Crunches which is awesome.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:48
Mile 2 - 9:46
Mile 3 - 9:40
Mile 4 - 9:43
Mile 5 - 9:10
Mile 6 - 8:31
Mile 7 - 8:21

.3       - 8:19

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Slow but Good Run with Rocky

   I didn't want to get up this morning, the bed felt oh so too good and I really didn't feel like running and was thinking about waiting until later this afternoon. After 5-10 minutes of debating and arguing with myself, I finally decided to go ahead and do the run, I was up already and I knew I would probably feel better this way.
  It was 46 degrees with a feels like 41, 12 mph SSW winds that eventually turned into 17 mph winds during the last 2 miles. Strangely enough, I didn't feel sore from yesterday morning's 14.2 mile long run which is weird because I was seriously expecting tightness and sore legs. This was a bit of a slow run, although Rocky kept trying to speed it up in the beginning, which is normally what he does. I avoided the hilly route because I had forgotten to wear one of my more easily seen in the dark shirts and I hate coming up those hills in the dark and meeting a car head on who isn't expecting a runner. We stuck to the more flat route out of caution.
   Rocky and I ran 6.3 miles in 1:06:16 with a 10:31 min/mile pace, elevation gain of 100 feet and a loss of 102 feet. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:01
Mile 2 - 10:45
Mile 3 - 10:29
Mile 4 - 10:37
Mile 5 - 10:26
Mile 6 - 10:05
.3      - 9:34

   Overall, a good run after a good/great long run yesterday. In other news... yesterday or last night I finally was able to register for the Indian-Celina Challenge Half Marathon in June, hopefully I can begin using my Fridays and training on the John James Audubon trails around March or when the Sun starts staying up longer.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Another Milestone this Morning

   I didn't get up until 6:30 this morning, I wanted to actually run during daylight this time. I made sure to scarf down a cinnamon raisin english muffin with honey peanut butter and coffee before I headed out the door. For awhile I thought I had made a mistake in dressing in just capris, my long sleeve undershirt with a t-shirt over it and my mild cold weather gloves, and my hat. It was 28 degrees, very chilly but I pushed on hoping that I would eventually warm up..... it happened.... around mile 6. Other that starting off faster than I wanted, overall the run was great. At mile 7.75 I drank some Grape Frost, at mile 9.1 I ingested the Strawberry Banana Gu along with some sips of water and still felt good. I hadn't eaten much yesterday so I was constantly feeling the hint of hunger, but not that bad so it wasn't really anything to fret about.
  At mile 12.7 I ingested the Chocolate Rage Gu and sipped some water to follow it down. I think I had some more Grape Frost somewhere around mile 11.5........ along with a little rest. When I hit 13.3 miles (my longest before today) I felt great, and knew I was going to reach my goal mile of 14.1 with no issues. 
  I ended up with 14.2 miles in 2:21:42 with an average pace of 9:59 min/mile, faster than I had planned (my goal was around 10:30 pace) but I felt great throughout the run so no regrets. Elevation gain of 376 feet with a loss of 383 feet, I was hoping for 400 feet but I got close so that is good. Temperature was 28 degrees with a feels like 23 when I started, probably ended around 34 degrees. The sun really helped warm things up, so I am thankful for that.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:15
Mile 2 - 10:01
Mile 3 - 9:55
Mile 4 - 9:51
Mile 5 - 10:10
Mile 6 - 10:00
Mile 7 - 9:51
Mile 8 - 9:40
Mile 9 - 9:54
Mile 10 - 9:59
Mile 11 - 10:05
Mile 12 - 10:19
Mile 13 - 10:08
Mile 14 - 9:46
.2        - 9:11

   Overall, not a bad run and I think I could have pushed for 15 miles had I wanted to but I'll probably stick around 14 miles for the next couple weekends, get my legs and body used to it.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Thirty-Seven Degrees Feel like Summer

  It's amazing how a temperature that used to feel freaking cold and chilly can suddenly feel like summer once you've ran during temperatures in the negatives. I didn't even have to wear my headband or my wind jacket this morning, it was 37 degrees with no wind barely, it felt real good. My calves were sore still, but I went ahead and ran on a hilly route with Rocky. I've got a sore spot on the back of my left ankle, doesn't bother me during runs but it does when I am driving :(
  No GI issues this morning, strange - I wonder if suddenly bringing yogurt back into my diet is what has my GI kind of lost with time and schedule, hopefully Sunday won't have any issues of that sort - hopefully I'll be able to run my first 14 miles.
  Rocky and I ran 6.3 miles in 1:08:24 with an average pace of 10:52 min/mile, slow like an easy run should be. Elevation gain of 160 feet and a loss of 166 feet, I made sure make it a hilly run..... or as hill as my area can give me for 6 or 7 miles.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:13
Mile 2 - 11:07
Mile 3 - 10:46
Mile 4 - 10:48
Mile 5 - 10:58
Mile 6 - 10:33
.3       - 10:00 

   Not a bad run overall, crazy and unhappy drivers headed to work as usual - it sometimes it seems they absolutely despise us runners, as we are a symbol of freedom that reminds them that they are not free. :) :P

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Hilly Progression Run with Rocky

   No problems getting up this morning, everything seemed to be going well except for my intestines which were threatening mutiny. I tried to go before the run, but it just wasn't happening, so Rocky and I set out for our run at 5:10 AM. I had too warm of gloves on, and I ended up having to fold my headband up, it felt like summer compared to Monday and Tuesday. Barely reaching mile 2, I had to make a pit stop. I focused on hills again, doing my best to get extremely used to running hilly courses so I can kick major arse one flat course races.
   I think I made 2 other stops, I was dealing with evil GI issues and seriously wanted to call it quits just because of that. I am so sick of this, I think tomorrow morning I am going to take Imodium before my 6 miler and see if it helps.
   Rocky and I ran 7.4 miles in 1:10:09 with an average pace of 9:29 min/mile, elevation gain of 225 feet and a loss of 221 feet. Temperature was 28 degrees with a feels like 23 but it might as well have been like 50 degrees or something compared to Monday and Tuesday. Not your normal progression run, but being that I wasn't feeling super and I was also including hills, I will consider it a progression run with hills.
   Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:49
Mile 2 - 10:27
Mile 3 - 9:23
Mile 4 - 9:09
Mile 5 - 8:44
Mile 6 - 9:21
Mile 7 - 9:03
.4       - 8:02

    Hopefully all these hills are going to show vast improvements during the February 5k and the March 5k. Tomorrow's 6 miler better have a lot less issues dang it.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Beyond Freezing Cold 6.3 Miler

   I chose not to run yesterday morning, winds were 21 mph and it was in the low negatives with a feels like -24 degrees so I made the decision that it would be wiser not to run and to just take Monday as a rest day. This morning's temperature was -2 degrees with a feels like -12, 8 mph winds but I had decided that I would layer up and dig deep into my insanity for this run. 
Gear - a Seirus Combo Scarf mask, a Brooks Infinite Nightlife head band, and my nightlife hat.
3 layers for upper body - an under armour long sleeve thingy, 2nd layer a Solomon long sleeve with wind breaking material on the outside, then my new somewhat thick wind breaker jacket that I think is Brooks.......... or Nike.
Two layers for my legs, a pair of snug fitting tights and another pair of not so snug tights. Two pairs of socks and two pairs of gloves....... I was ready.

   I stepped out that door at 5 AM and thought "WTF was I thinking!?", -2 degrees with a feels like - 12 was really freaking cold. But I had already decided that I was going to try for 6.3 miles, on a 3.15 mile loop around the "block". The first half mile was freezing and I was regretting it, but as soon as I got off that road with the open field and turned my back to the wind, it got better. I had to suffer that road twice though..... but what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger :)
   I focused on as many of the big hills as I could, trying to prepare myself for the hilly course at Indian-Celina Challenge. I have yet to reach even 1,000 feet in elevation gain but I am getting used to hills again.
   I ran 6.3 miles in 1:06:07 with an average pace of 10:30 min/mile, elevation gain of 155 feet and a loss of 161 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:09
Mile 2 - 10:40
Mile 3 - 10:35

Mile 4 - 10:25
Mile 5 - 10:14
Mile 6 - 10:05
.3      - 9:56

    Next run won't be until Thursday which will hopefully be a bit warmer.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Not So Great Long Run

  Sadly, I must admit I was a pansy when I made the decision to run last night around 9:20 p.m. The forecast was threatening rain and lots of it from midnight to 3 p.m, I am alright with running in rain when the temperature is 65+ but running in raining during 34 degrees is not something I want to do. I was also supposed to hit my first 14 miler, didn't happen. There is a reason why I run my LRs in the early morning on a relatively empty stomach - no GI issues normally, and that wasn't the case last night, not to mention my legs just weren't feeling it and I couldn't find a good slow pace.
  I was going into my second loop just before mile 7 when an icy type of rain started falling so I decided to turn around and head back to the house and grab my rain jacket (and also take some clothing off). I got back at around 10:30 and DH was saying maybe I should just call it an 8 miler and be done as Dorian was tired and wanted to go to sleep. I begged him for at least 2 more miles, and he said yes so I went ahead and took Rocky with me. I decided I was going to try and hit 12 miles at least, and give Rocky 4 miles as he won't be running with me Monday.
  By the time we got home, DH and Dorian were in bed and I was tired and really sore. That little 5 minutes of ice/rain/sleet was it, no more. I ran 12 miles in 2:00:50 with an average pace of 10:04 min/mile, temperature around 34 and the wind started picking up during the last 2 miles. Elevation gain of 256 feet and a loss of 259 feet (my goal was to at least reach 400 feet, but I didn't run all of the route I had planned).
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:03
Mile 2 - 10:11
Mile 3 - 10:17
Mile 4 - 10:10
Mile 5 - 9:57
Mile 6 - 10:04
Mile 7 - 9:54
Mile 8 - 10:11
Mile 9 - 10:04
Mile 10 - 10:16
Mile 11 - 9:55
Mile 12 - 9:47

   I went to bed sore, and had tried to drink 16 oz of water but managed 14 oz of water. I did have one Strawberry-Banana gu at 10 miles, about 6 oz of water and some of my Grape Frost Gatorade. I went to bed somewhat satisfied, figuring I had showed Mother Nature whose bada$$ only to wake up this morning at 6:30 to see no rain whatsoever.......... I think Mother Nature showed me whose Bada$$. :(
  Monday, might not even happen though. I think I would be seriously stupid if I went out the door in -3 degrees with a windchill of -24 degrees and 19 mph NW winds (at 5 a.m).... even I think it would make me a moron to go out in that. It won't get any better throughout the day either, so I might take Monday along with today as rest days from running. Tuesday is not really any better, at 5 a.m it will be -3 degrees with a windchill of -19 degrees and 10 mph WSW winds... I think I've got the gear but I am not sure if I should wear to layers of tights or just one and hope my butt doesn't freeze and fall off.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Can it Get Any Colder.......... A Rhetorical Question

  Last night I was debating on running in the morning, and seriously thought about waiting until later in the afternoon. I ended up waking up at 5:15 a.m, and getting dressed properly.... or at least as properly as I could while deciding on not wearing the face mask. Rocky and I headed out the door at 5:39 a.m, it was 10 freaking degrees......... thankfully no wind though, so that was a plus. By mile 2 my legs felt like pins and needles were being stuck into them, by mile 3 my face was numb and my legs were slowly heading that way too. Rocky did great, I think he really enjoyed the freezing cold temperature while I was wishing I had worn my face mask at this point. 
  I aimed for the route with a lot of the big hills, I want to start preparing myself for the elevation gains at the Indian-Celina Challenge even if it means doing it while running on the roads. 
  We ran 6.2 miles in 1:02:04 with an average pace of 10:01 min/mile, an elevation gain of 202 feet and a loss of 211 feet. Not bad, as much as I hate the idea of going over the same route or course during a run - I might have to do this loop twice or so during my 12 and 14 miles in hopes of reaching 400-500 feet in elevation gain. The Indian-Celina Challenge 13.1 mile course has around 3,150 feet of elevation gain (and is in June) - if I am going to survive that, I need to start putting in some serious hill runs even when not running trails. As soon as it starts getting light out sooner, and staying light later I am going to start doing Friday runs at John James Audubon - that place has some serious hills and is only 20-30 minutes away.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:44
Mile 2 - 10:32
Mile 3 - 10:21
Mile 4 - 10:00
Mile 5 - 9:44
Mile 6 - 9:03
.2      - 8:22

    Not bad for an easy run, a bit faster than I wanted but I had to keep moving to keep from freezing.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Our Morning Progression Run

  Starting off the new year with a run. 
    This morning I didn't get up until just before 7 a.m and I wasn't feeling 100% but still hoped for an okay run. Rocky and I headed to the Newburgh Riverfront to run their recreational pathway, which had a few people on it already doing their thing (some probably out there for their New Year's Resolutions).
  Temperature was 27 degrees with a feels like 20 degrees, 6 mph SSE wind and humidity of 93%.
    During the whole run, I was feeling like I had a brain freeze going on and just could get up to the speed I wanted. Rocky of course wasn't exactly making things any easier, I had to stop at least 3 or 4 times to get hold of my head and for Rocky to use the restroom. This pathway has a really good sized hill, that along with the little hills gave me 199 feet of elevation gain and a loss of 179 feet. Rocky and I ran 7.2 miles in 1:07:12 with an average pace of 9:20 min/mile which was 5 minutes slower than last Wednesday's progression run but at least not as bad as I expected.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:32
Mile 2 - 9:53
Mile 3 - 9:32
Mile 4 - 9:02
Mile 5 - 9:03
Mile 6 - 8:43
Mile 7 - 8:47
.2      -  8:18

   I'm glad tomorrow is a rest day, I think yesterday's 3.8 miler took it's toll on today's run along with sinus issues. Friday I hope for a good 6 mile easy run, and then a 14 miler on Sunday.

Officially Registered for the 2014 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon!

  As of last night at 11:03 p.m (CST) I am officially registered for my first marathon - the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon! I am so excited and nervous......... and wishing it wasn't 11 months away but you can't beat $60 registration fee :) and I know that if I am already registered then it will be one less thing to obsess over. My official training won't start until late June after the Indian-Celina Challenge and a week's decent rest before beginning this training cycle. For the first part of 2014 I just want to work on staying between 30-40 mpw and averaging my long runs at 13-14 miles.
  Anyways - yep I am excited!