Sunday, June 2, 2013

Today's 7 Mile Long Run

   This morning I went out for my 7 mile long run, I actually got out the door by 7:05 which is the earliest in a long time. I'd like to do my runs in the morning before work, around 5 a.m, if Dorian will sleep the whole time. Then I could shower and be out the door by 7-7:30 a.m. Then, instead of having mom watch Dorian for my runs, I could have her watch him so I can go out and shoot (my camera).
  Anyways, it wasn't a bad run though my knees were being achy which is what kept me from pushing for 8 miles, and my right hamstring was getting tight after mile 6. I'm being sure to stretch afterwards, and I had a mile to walk back to the house. I ran 7 miles in 1:12:52 which isn't my fastest at all with a pace of 10:24 min/mile, about a minute slower than my last 7 miler which was my progression run. Supposed elevation gain of 352 feet, but I am not going to focus too much on that one.  
   My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:53
Mile 2 - 10:06
Mile 3 - 10:11
Mile 4 - 10:16
Mile 5 - 10:28
Mile 6 - 10:45
Mile 7 - 10:11

  A bit sad for me, what with my last 2 months of under 10 min/mile runs but I am just trying to be careful and ensure that my legs are fully recovered and read for the races this Fall.

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