Friday, June 28, 2013

An Easy 5 Miles with some Hills

   I got up out of bed again at 4:30 this morning, of course I paid for it after the run and jumped right back in bed. It didn't feel too bad this morning, 81 degrees with humidity at 79% and a dewpoint of 69, and the sun was not out so that helped a lot too. This was a pretty slow and easy run, 5 miles in 51:53 with an average pace of 10:22 min/mile, haven't really ran that slow for 5 miles in quite some time. Elevation gain was 96 feet and loss was 95 feet, but the hills didn't come until almost mile 3.
  I've got 9 miles to run Sunday, hopefully my legs will be up for it though after the run my right leg was hurting a little on the walk back to the house, mainly my knee and butt cheek. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:12
Mile 2 - 10:19
Mile 3 - 10:21
Mile 4 - 10:13
Mile 5 - 9:45

    So I kept it relatively easy and slower than normal. though I don't like this slow but it didn't feel strenuous or exhausting which is a good thing as this was supposed to be an easy recovery run and that is what seemed to be.

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