Monday, June 17, 2013

A Very Humid 4 Miler

  Maybe my body needs 24 hours between my long run and my next recovery run, but this morning's run was sore and a bit exhausting. It doesn't help that I barely get much sleep anyways, but I got out there and I got 4 miles in. Originally I had planned for 5 but my calf and quads are complaining a little after yesterday's 8 miler so I just went with 4 instead.
   I ran 4 miles in 42:30 with an average pace of 10:37 min/mile, elevation gain of 65 feet, loss of 70 feet. Temperature was at 72 degrees with a humidity of 100% and no wind, so in other words it was pretty freaking miserable to be honest. The first mile was slow, the second wasn't much faster and the 3rd was pretty much the same. The fourth mile was about 2 minutes faster than the 1st mile.
Mile 1 - 11:31
Mile 2 - 10:36
Mile 3 - 10:38
Mile 4 - 9:41

   This has got to be my slowest easy/short recovery run in months, but I am not going to complain because I've got worry about my legs and how my body is doing rather than pushing myself. Plus, I ran 8 miles yesterday in 1:15:43 with an average pace of 9:22 min/mile so that makes up for this slow run today.

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