Monday, June 10, 2013

This Morning's 5 Mile Run

   I almost didn't think I was going to get out and run this morning, Dorian was determined to stay awake and I figured I would end up having to take him with me for my run. After ten minutes of driving I turned around, I knew a run pushing the stroller would stuck horribly and I didn't want to hold it against him. We got back home and he was fast asleep, so I put him back in the crib and went for my run, luckily he stayed asleep.
  It was around reaching 70 degrees, 66 degrees with 100% humidity and I will say that was a bit tough and I would definitely have died if I had taken Dorian with me. Thankfully I didn't, so I got my run in and everything is fine and dandy for the moment.
  I ran 5 miles in 48:26 with an average pace of 9:41 min/mile pace so pretty good though I wanted to slow a bit down and that didn't happen. I had an elevation gain of 92 feet, humidity at 100% and no food in the stomach, and still felt great during and after.
  My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:26
Mile 2 - 9:45
Mile 3 - 9:25
Mile 4 - 9:49
Mile 5 - 8:58

   I had almost done what I wanted and slowed down at mile 4, but then I picked it back up for some reason at mile 5. I weighed myself afterwards at 138.6 lbs so I feel great, I am under 140 and getting closer to my goal of 134-135 lbs as long as I stick to my diet and exercises. Hopefully Wednesday will be easier getting out the door.

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