Monday, June 3, 2013

This Morning's 3 Mile Run

   I was actually able to get up at 5 in the morning, take care of Dorian and get him back to sleep and I was out the door by a quarter til 6 for my run. It was nice getting out there and running that early, and getting the run out of the way and getting to work at 8.
   I had planned 5 but decided that I still needed to be a bit careful with my legs and ensuring that there is no serious injury or that I don't cause one. I am probably going to aim for 20-23 miles per week for the next 2-3 weeks until I know for sure there is no injury. Then I will slowly bump it back up to 25 miles per week for a month or two, and see how things go. I just want to make sure that this Fall's three half marathons go really well, while definitely wanting to PR at the first one in October hoping for a time 2:10:00 or below. The next two don't have to be PRs, but I will enjoy them especially the middle one which is going to be just for enjoyment.
   Wednesday is going to be 6 miles, and Friday will most likely be 5 miles on Friday and Sunday will hopefully see 8 miles.

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