Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Laufenfest 5k and the Color Run 5k

   This isn't going to be a big race report, I am not really pleased with the results of this race, the humidity and heat and my mistake of where I stood at the start effected this race. The morning started out well, I had coffee and water but nothing else and I didn't feel that I would really need anything else. I knew it was going to be humid, and I figured I probably wouldn't PR due to that factor.
    I got there early, went to the bathroom 3 times and then found a place in the mass at the start. I figured there'd be more people joining so I thought I was in the middle, I soon found out that I was in fact closer to the back and I wasted so much energy for the first half of the race zigzagging and going around other runners and walkers. I was pretty annoyed, and to make things more aggravating I had a side stitch threatening me the whole time. The temperature was 77 degrees with 84% humidity, and it was freaking miserable!
   Around mile 2, I wanted to slow down and in fact I even wanted to stop but I kept going, I kept pushing it. My legs were in the race, my body wanted to push it and tear through but my heart and mind just wasn't in it this time, and that was driving me crazy. Even when I saw the finish, normally gaining some crazy amount of energy causing me to push harder, that didn't happen this time. I wanted to stop and walk, even just sit down. What was almost worse was I almost got ran over at the finish by two jerks I had passed just after mile 3, but I am not going to let that really bother me. I just about puked after crossing, but it didn't happen. 
   I ran the 3.1 miles in 26:02 with an average pace of 8:23 min/mile, about a minute slower than the Newburgh Rivertown Trail 5k, and over a minute slower than my goal was. I am going to do my best not to let this bother me, but it is hard because I wanted so badly to get under 25:00 for this one. 
My splits were:
Mile 1 - 8:26
Mile 2 - 8:32
Mile 3 - 8:23
.1      - 7:58

  Lessons I learned at this race, no more competitive races in June or July as I cannot handle the heat and humidity. Second lesson, no matter what, from now on I start closer to the leaders of the pack. I don't care how many people might have to pass me in the beginning, I am done wasting energy passing people.

  The Color Blaze 5k was a walk, a hot, miserable 51 minute walk. At 11 in the morning it was 86 degrees and 62% humidity, sun out and it felt like 92 degrees. I can honestly say 3.1 miles sucks when you are walking it, and I couldn't believe the amount of people bringing infants and toddlers to this, walking them in strollers while they screamed and cried miserably the whole time. It was unbelievable! I don't know if I will do this again next year, just because of the heat. We went to Subway afterwards, and while changing my clothes in the bathroom I got sick, I probably experienced some sort of heat exhaustion or dehydration today, and it sucked. 
  Anyways, there are my two races today and another lesson to learn: don't do more than 1 race a day anymore.

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