Wednesday, June 5, 2013

National Running Day

  I woke up this morning at 5:30 and immediately thought I wouldn't be able to get my run in, but I fed Dorian and had him back in his crib by 5:45 and I was able to get out the door by 6 (probably my fastest time getting ready so far). I didn't know it was National Running Day until I got back so I am even happier that I got out and ran my 6 miles. It started off a bit slow but eventually I picked up the pace and it went well overall, no pain or really any kind of achiness in my legs so that is good. I avoided the big hills again, mainly because I just want to keep being careful.
  I ran the 6 miles in 57:53 with an average pace of 9:38 min/mile so it was good, not my fastest progression run but not sluggish or slow and pretty darn good for not having eaten anything before then and only have a couple sips of water. It was 64 degrees with a humidity of 77%, and some sun but the wind was only around 3 mph. Total elevation was 136 feet, I am now trying to pay attention to the small inclines and any kind of elevation changes just out of curiosity.
   My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:46
Mile 2 - 9:57
Mile 3 - 9:45
Mile 4 - 9:40
Mile 5 - 9:12
Mile 6 - 8:31

  And then a .2 mile walk to cool down. I would definitely have to say it was a nice progression run, the splits were very nice even with the first mile being close to 11:00 minute pace.
  I might go for an easy 2 mile walk later today, or take Dorian out to a park and enjoy the weather with him. We will just have to see how the day goes and where my energy level is at by then. Anyways, Happy Running Day to everyone, hope your day goes really well.

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