Sunday, May 5, 2013

Today's Easy 3 Miler with a few Hills

  I wasn't going to run today, because I have a scheduled  5 miler run tomorrow evening but with the threat of a storm and the cool weather I just had to get out there for a quick 30 minute run. I didn't want to run the usual route out here, and I didn't want to run on a completely flat course either so I decided to make the first half or 2 miles with hills and the last mile was pretty flat. Honestly I felt like I did more than 70 feet in elevation gain but the garmin says 70, so I'll take it. 
   I took it easy for the most part, ran the 3 miles in 30:25 with average pace of 10:08 min/mile. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:55
Mile 2 - 9:56
Mile 3 - 9:33
   First mile it took a bit to get into the groove, plus my "uhum" bowels needed to be loosened, thankfully Spring is here and the woods are green and full of cover with plenty of spots for a pit stop. After that, I picked up the pace a bit, mainly on the down hills. Overall it was a good run, and we will see how tomorrow's 5 miler goes on an easy, flat course.

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