Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Good 7 Miler, Except for some muscle pain

   Yesterday's run was a lot better, the temperature was 73 and the the wind speed 12 mph and the humidity was around 61% which is still better than 84%. Overall it was a good run and I ran the full 7 miles with a half mile walk afterwards to get back to my Tahoe. I'll admit I questioned being able to keep the pace a few times, but I stayed pretty consistent overall for starting out faster than 10 min/mile. I ran the 7 miles in 1:04:54 with an average pace of 9:16 min/mile and honestly I felt that I could have kept close to that for another 6 miles, at least staying under 9:30 min/mile but we will see this October.
   My splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:45
Mile 2 - 9:50
Mile 3 - 9:43
Mile 4 - 9:11
Mile 5 - 9:15
Mile 6 - 8:43
Mile 7 - 8:27

    It was definitely a good run, but since last night my left calf muscle has been feeling really tight. I've stretched it, but it still hurts and that is strange because it didn't hurt at all during the run. I think I am going to rub some iron man muscle rub on it and then tonight when I get home I'll use the foam roller on it. I have a 4 mile walk planned tonight but..... I might keep it on relatively flat ground or something. I hope this tightness or whatever is gone by tomorrow as I have my 5 mile easy run and then Sunday I am going to attempt another 10 mile long run, even if I have to do it early in the morning.

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