Thursday, May 16, 2013

Last Night's Tough 7 Miler

  Last night I didn't get out to run until after 9:00 p.m, and I ran out in the "neighborhood" around our house. Suffice to say, I picked streets that did not have any lights on them and had more trees and wooded areas than houses, so I definitely succeeded in freaking myself out for the first 2-3 miles. I didn't really focus on progression or speed, but mainly the first 2 miles that had lots of hills. My total elevation gain was 213 feet which was mainly the beginning part of the run, I did not have my knucklelights because the batteries were dead so I was running in the dark.
  I am somewhat glad that I ran at night rather than closer to daylight because even at 9 it was 82 degrees and barely any wind out there. I don't care to run those streets at night too often, especially without any light but it is a nice change from what I normally run. It would have been nicer to have had the moon out and shining, instead it was barely there, I believe it is in the new moon phase by now.
  I ran the 7 miles in 1:07:39 with an average pace of 9:34 min/mile with an elevation gain of 213 feet, not sure about my heartrate as I guess the darn thing wasn't on, oh well that isn't important until I am old :) but my splits were:
 Mile 1 - 10:46
 Mile 2 - 10:31
 Mile 3 - 9:48
 Mile 4 - 9:29
 Mile 5 - 9:23
 Mile 6 - 9:10
 Mile 7 - 8:29

   Overall, a good run with a good progression despite the hellish hills at the beginning. I think within the first 2 miles was a climb of 100 feet, and I can honestly say my legs hated me at that point. I finished half a mile from the house, not exactly what I planned but it was a nice cooldown walk. Friday I plan on a 5 mile easy run and then this weekend I will be running my first 10 miler since March I believe. I will definitely enjoy it out in the country and it will be daylight........hopefully not too hot.

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