Friday, May 10, 2013

Can't Promise any Awesome Trophy Saturday

  Last night's run wasn't great, I was supposed to run 7 easy miles but instead I ended up with only 5 due to feeling it. It didn't really slow me down but I just didn't have 7 miles in me, either it was the heat and having a shirt on (I'm bloaty this week), or it just wasn't a great run. I felt like it was taking more effort than 5 miles should. I ran the 5 miles in 49:18 with an average pace of 9:51 min/mile or whatever, and for the most part it sucked.
My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:38
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 9:47
Mile 4 - 9:38
Mile 5 - 9:18
  Due to Thursday's run I am doubting anything spectacular at Saturday morning's race, not saying I won't try and give it my all or at least what I can give but I am not going to get my hopes up. I was going to for a 6-8 mile bike ride today with Dorian BUT it is pouring rain and I don't feel like being out there in this crap. We'll just have to see how tomorrow goes.....

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