Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last Night's First Run Since Friday

 I haven't ran since last Friday, I walked twice: Monday and Tuesday and then I went for a 5 mile run last night. Overall it was good, no pain or tightness in my lower leg, though my legs weren't acting weird period. I could feel the nerves pulsing and doing other strange things, and my left toes and forefoot kind of itched and felt hot. Overall though, it went well even with it being 84 degrees the humidity was only about 45% so not bad.
 I took it easy for the first mile and then kind of picked up the pace just a bit but still keeping it easy and relaxed. I ran the 5 miles in 49:45 with an average pace of 9:56 min/mile, so overall everything went very well and I am hoping Friday's 5 miler will go well too. I am going to keep stretching and icing and foam rolling my legs as much as possible and whenever I remember to. Even after the run when I stretched I felt no tightness at all in my lower leg muscles, the stretch didn't even feel anything which was weird.
 My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:43
Mile 2 - 10:16

Mile 3 - 9:39
Mile 4 - 9:44
Mile 5 - 9:21

  So overall it went well, I am going to keep any eye on everything and pay attention to my body because the last thing I want is an injury when I am doing so good right now and I am actually looking at running my next half marathon under 2:10:00 as long as things keep going so well.

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