Sunday, May 5, 2013

Looking Back on the last Nine Months

  It is crazy to look back on the last nine months, to look back on the first night I ran a 9:14 pace for a whole mile, my fastest pace for a mile at that time. I was amazed that I was able to keep it up, and so excited to think that if I could do that maybe I could run with that pace longer, or even faster. I remember that night very clearly, it was warm and muggy and my 2nd Half was only 2 months away. Unfortunately I had injured myself before the HM, had to take some time off and start at ground zero. November had magical moments, I let my body do the thinking and make the decisions, and I saw 3 mile runs under 30 minutes and 4 mile runs at just as fast. My runs plateaued around December and through January, my first race of 2013 was 28:29 for a 5k with horrible hills. Throughout February and March I noticed that all my runs out here on these hills had helped a lot, and in April the St. Louis Half Marathon proved it for sure, even with the evil hills and the sudden onset of 65-70 degrees didn't slow me down and I ran 13.1 miles in 2:18:28, about 15-20 minutes faster than my last two Half Marathons.
  I've found myself getting faster; and yesterday's 5k race proved it with my fastest time of 25:26 so far, an average pace of 8:12 min/mile and the last mile was 7:57 pace. As of yesterday that is my fastest mile, and it now has me wondering if I can do that pace for more than a mile, or maybe even faster. I've only been running since 2010; three years ago this month, my first 5k race was 29:58 and an average pace of 9:58 min/mile in August 2010. Two years, 6 months later my 5k race at Hearts on Fire was 28:29 with a pace of 9:10 min/mile, and barely 4 months later the Newburgh Rivertown Trail 5k was 25:26 minutes with a pace of 8:12 min/mile.

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