Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Last Night's 5 Miler

  The six mile bike ride Monday night just about kicked my butt, I decided to take Dorian to the USI trails and forgot about the hills. I had never taken my bike there let alone drug a pull along up with me, so I did have to get off the bike and walk it up some parts of the hills. I got it done though, and I might just avoid that while taking Dorian on bike rides.
   Last night's 5 mile felt the effects, but not awful. Shauna ran 4 miles of it while I ran 5. A storm had just passed over so it was feeling nice and cool and not a whole lot of people were out and about. I still need to get Shauna registered for the 5k this Saturday, and I can't remember if I registered her for the Evansville Half Marathon series.
  I ran 5 miles in 49:39 with an average pace of 9:55 min/mile so it can be considered an easy run.
My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:38
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 9:47
Mile 4 - 9:38
Mile 5 - 9:18
  Overall it was a good run, Thursday night I'm going to run an easy 7 and not worry about speed. I want to be ready for Saturday's race and maybe win another trophy if I can. I don't expect another 1st place, I might have to start registering in smaller races that I can be 50% sure that I would get a 1st place trophy.

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