Friday, May 31, 2013

Another Okay 5 Miler

  This afternoon I ran another decent 5 miles without any actual pain although my knees did ache some. Near the last mile my right shoulder blade started to feel tight and tried to cramp up a bit, it was kind of annoying. Other than that, it went well and I got 76.5 miles in for May which is about 17 miles less than planned but I am flexible and my body needed the rest.
  I ran 5 miles in 49:22 with an average pace of 9:52 min/mile so it was definitely considered an easy run, though the sun in the beginning made it a bit "ick" and then when the clouds came in, the wind was just as annoying. I swear sometimes I really hate my long hair, especially during runs when it gets all sweaty and starts to cling to my back. Normally I love how long it is, but then when I go out and run I hate it.
  My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:34
Mile 2 - 9:32
Mile 3 - 9:35
Mile 4 - 9:57
Mile 5 - 9:42

  Overall, not bad and I had .3 miles to walk back to the Tahoe for a cool down walk. Stretching wasn't bad either, after getting home I iced my knees as they seem to need it the most right now. Sunday I am not sure if I want to aim for 7 or 8 miles, we will just have to see how things go.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last Night's First Run Since Friday

 I haven't ran since last Friday, I walked twice: Monday and Tuesday and then I went for a 5 mile run last night. Overall it was good, no pain or tightness in my lower leg, though my legs weren't acting weird period. I could feel the nerves pulsing and doing other strange things, and my left toes and forefoot kind of itched and felt hot. Overall though, it went well even with it being 84 degrees the humidity was only about 45% so not bad.
 I took it easy for the first mile and then kind of picked up the pace just a bit but still keeping it easy and relaxed. I ran the 5 miles in 49:45 with an average pace of 9:56 min/mile, so overall everything went very well and I am hoping Friday's 5 miler will go well too. I am going to keep stretching and icing and foam rolling my legs as much as possible and whenever I remember to. Even after the run when I stretched I felt no tightness at all in my lower leg muscles, the stretch didn't even feel anything which was weird.
 My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:43
Mile 2 - 10:16

Mile 3 - 9:39
Mile 4 - 9:44
Mile 5 - 9:21

  So overall it went well, I am going to keep any eye on everything and pay attention to my body because the last thing I want is an injury when I am doing so good right now and I am actually looking at running my next half marathon under 2:10:00 as long as things keep going so well.

Friday, May 24, 2013

It's my Achilles............ :(

  After Wednesday night's run I started feeling tightness in what I thought was my calf muscle.... but the more I thought about it and really looked at where the tightness was coming from I realized it is not my calf muscle but my Achilles tendon that is hurt. The very top of it, right below my calf muscle is what's feeling so tight, and now I am nervous. Reading up on it, the average pain is normally closer to the heel while mine is closer to the Gastrocnemius or the calf muscle that is the large bulge in your bottom leg. Maybe it's just soreness and a few days of icing, ibuprofen and foam rolling and stretching can fix..... maybe I'll take the next few days off and not run until Wednesday, evaluate it and go from there. It is extremely frustrating, tonight's run ended up being 3 miles instead of 5 because I decided to listen to my body when the pain and tightness started up, but as much as I want to push forward and past it I have learned the hard way too many times not to. I will take this weekend off from running and any walking that isn't necessary, then depending on how it is feeling I might try a 3 miler Monday or wait until Wednesday. I guess I will just have to see how things go :(

Contemplating Things a Bit

  Other than my calf muscle being sore or tight, though it isn't feeling too bad today, I have been evaluating a few things since Wednesday night's run. Seven miles is only 6 miles less than a half marathon and my average pace was 9:16 min/mile, but the last three miles were 8:43 , 8:28 and 8:27 and I am confident that if I were to keep a consistent pace between 9:16-9:30 I could run my next half in 2:04:27 or less, which would be 14 minutes faster than the St. Louis Half this past April. The thought of getting so close to 2:00:00 is exciting, and I really hope I can achieve it as long as nothing happens and I don't get injured. 
  It is amazing to look back on all my races and my running, my first half (along with being pregnant) was 2:31:something, then my 2nd half was 2:36:something with an injury. My 3rd half (first this year) was 2:18:28 and I am quite confident I can do even better this Fall, though it will most likely have to be the Evansville Half Marathon in October, then the second one will be 2 weeks later, and then the 3rd Half will be in November about 2 weeks later. I think I'll use the 2nd HM as a scenic enjoyable run, and not really race it, then depending on how I feel in November I will try and push myself.
  Hopefully once I can start running 10 mile long runs consistently, doing them each week will get me used to a long distance weekly. Also, if I can run at least one or two 12 mile long runs before October that would probably help me as well but 10 or 11 miles aren't bad either. I'll just keep running, and watch out for any possible signs of injury or overuse, while hoping for neither. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Good 7 Miler, Except for some muscle pain

   Yesterday's run was a lot better, the temperature was 73 and the the wind speed 12 mph and the humidity was around 61% which is still better than 84%. Overall it was a good run and I ran the full 7 miles with a half mile walk afterwards to get back to my Tahoe. I'll admit I questioned being able to keep the pace a few times, but I stayed pretty consistent overall for starting out faster than 10 min/mile. I ran the 7 miles in 1:04:54 with an average pace of 9:16 min/mile and honestly I felt that I could have kept close to that for another 6 miles, at least staying under 9:30 min/mile but we will see this October.
   My splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:45
Mile 2 - 9:50
Mile 3 - 9:43
Mile 4 - 9:11
Mile 5 - 9:15
Mile 6 - 8:43
Mile 7 - 8:27

    It was definitely a good run, but since last night my left calf muscle has been feeling really tight. I've stretched it, but it still hurts and that is strange because it didn't hurt at all during the run. I think I am going to rub some iron man muscle rub on it and then tonight when I get home I'll use the foam roller on it. I have a 4 mile walk planned tonight but..... I might keep it on relatively flat ground or something. I hope this tightness or whatever is gone by tomorrow as I have my 5 mile easy run and then Sunday I am going to attempt another 10 mile long run, even if I have to do it early in the morning.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Last Night's Run

   Shauna and I ran along the streets last night, we decided to just start from the shop and run past Dairy Queen figuring if we needed to we could stop for some vanilla cones. It's wasn't bad this time, we didn't go until 7:30 p.m so the sun was well below the tree line and there was a good breeze. I tried to take it easy since I knew Shauna wasn't feeling great, but eh it went well over all. We got to Dairy Queen at mile 3, and each ate a small cone then I ended up screwing up my watch so now it looks like this:
Mile 1 - 10:30

Mile 2 - 9:47
Mile 3 - 9:28
Mile 4 - 0
Mile 5 - 9:50
Mile 6 - 9:50
  We ran 4.35 miles so there should only be 5 laps/splits but what can I do, just learn not to hit any buttons when standing still. We had been standing for like 5 minutes and my watch started counting down before it would go back to the time and into inactive mode, which then I would have to wait for the satellites to be located so I hit a button and it said lap 3, then lap 4....... ugh.
Oh well, it wasn't a bad run overall and the cones helped some. We ran the 4.35 miles in 42:42 with an average pace of 9:49. elapsed time 55:20 so I suppose we stood there eating our cones for about 13 minutes..... oh well I don't care, right now I just want to get acclimated to this heat and humidity so if I have to stop a few times that is alright. It was 82 degrees with humidity at 58%, not near like Sunday's run which was 81 degrees with humidity at 84%.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Very Difficult Run

  I had planned on a 10 mile run today, but when I started out on my run it was 79 degrees with a humidity at 84% and pretty much no wind whatsoever, so it was freaking miserable. I ended up doing just 6 miles and having my stepson come pick me up, I wanted so badly to run 10 but if there is one thing I've learned in a year it is to listen to my body, and when in doubt don't push it. Okay, the doubt mainly goes for when it's extremely humid and warm and miserable.
I ran 6 miles in 1:01:12 with an average pace of 10:12 min/miles, still not awful but compared to my running lately it is pretty slow for 6 miles.
  My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:50
Mile 2 - 9:57
Mile 3 - 10:13
Mile 4 - 10:39
Mile 5 - 10:20
Mile 6 - 9:10
  I am pretty aggravated about it, I was really looking forward to my 10 mile long run out here, but maybe next weekend. I knew getting acclimated to the summer heat and humidity was going to be tough, but I had no actual idea that it would be this awful. Anyways, tomorrow is 5 miles in the evening, temps around 5 will be 87 degrees and humidity will be 49% so hopefully a little better.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Last Night's Tough 7 Miler

  Last night I didn't get out to run until after 9:00 p.m, and I ran out in the "neighborhood" around our house. Suffice to say, I picked streets that did not have any lights on them and had more trees and wooded areas than houses, so I definitely succeeded in freaking myself out for the first 2-3 miles. I didn't really focus on progression or speed, but mainly the first 2 miles that had lots of hills. My total elevation gain was 213 feet which was mainly the beginning part of the run, I did not have my knucklelights because the batteries were dead so I was running in the dark.
  I am somewhat glad that I ran at night rather than closer to daylight because even at 9 it was 82 degrees and barely any wind out there. I don't care to run those streets at night too often, especially without any light but it is a nice change from what I normally run. It would have been nicer to have had the moon out and shining, instead it was barely there, I believe it is in the new moon phase by now.
  I ran the 7 miles in 1:07:39 with an average pace of 9:34 min/mile with an elevation gain of 213 feet, not sure about my heartrate as I guess the darn thing wasn't on, oh well that isn't important until I am old :) but my splits were:
 Mile 1 - 10:46
 Mile 2 - 10:31
 Mile 3 - 9:48
 Mile 4 - 9:29
 Mile 5 - 9:23
 Mile 6 - 9:10
 Mile 7 - 8:29

   Overall, a good run with a good progression despite the hellish hills at the beginning. I think within the first 2 miles was a climb of 100 feet, and I can honestly say my legs hated me at that point. I finished half a mile from the house, not exactly what I planned but it was a nice cooldown walk. Friday I plan on a 5 mile easy run and then this weekend I will be running my first 10 miler since March I believe. I will definitely enjoy it out in the country and it will be daylight........hopefully not too hot.

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Good 5 Miler Tonight

  Tonight was a good run overall, I felt strong and much better than Thursday's run. I ran 5 miles in 49:19 with an average pace of 9:51 min/mile, with no issues whatsoever. 
My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:04
Mile 2 - 9:59
Mile 3 - 10:04
Mile 4 - 9:42
Mile 5 - 9:28
 It was a really good run and I enjoyed it, kind of wish I could have ran longer but I must stick to the training plan. Wednesday I've got to run 7 miles, mom won't be able to watch Dorian because she's going to a concert so I'll have to bug Cameron about it. And then Friday is another 5 mile easy run, while Tuesday and Thursday will either be walks or bike rides. This Saturday I am going to go and photograph the Hot Dog 5k at the 4H Center, I figure it would be a great way to utilize my camera and actually enjoy the race as a spectator. Sunday I have a planned 10 miler, first 10 mile run since 3 weeks before the Go! St. Louis Half, so this will be interesting. I hope to do it out here in Chandler, I like running out here an exploring the area.
  I am not going to lie, it's going be nice not having another race until June 8 which is a 5 mile trail run held at night, I am excited! I love running trails, but have never ran one at night, I mean I have been out there on trails at sun down and I've finished pretty much in darkness but this is going to be interesting. Then the next race will be June 22, a color run which both will be just for fun and not racing. July I don't plan on any races, so I'll be able to stick to my long runs. I have 3 weeks before the Howl at the Moon Trail race, so that is three 10 mile long runs I can do, then one 10 mile long run before the Color Blaze 5k, then my next race isn't until August 10, so that will leave me 6 weekends of long runs which I will utilize to get one 11 miler in and maybe a 12 mile long run before I drop to 9 miles before the August 10th 10k race.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

I didn't win a trophy this morning, I definitely wasn't feeling it but it wasn't a bad run. My garmin got to 3.1 about a minute faster than I got to the finish, it has 25:40 with an average pace of 8:17 min/mile. The clock timed me at 26:39 with an average pace of 8:36 min/mile, a bit slower than last weekend but I am not going to fret about it, I just wasn't feeling this morning. My splits were:Mile 1 - 8:33Mile 2 - 8:10Mile 3 - 8:13.1        - 7:32  Definitely not as badass as last weekend's race, but I think my body just needs a rest from running hard. I am going to try and take it easy on the next few days, especially on the runs. Anyways, my results were:Overall: 102nd of 389Female: 25th of 203F25-29: 8th of 27  So even though I didn't get a trophy, I still did really well, just 7 females away from AG 1st place and that is alright. I was expect worse, or not as good I should say and so I am pleased with the overall results. Strange though, my bib number is 1002, and I was seeing bib numbers as high as 2200 yet there were only 389 finishers........... but I guess that is good thing otherwise I'd probably be closer in the overall of 300+ and so on.  My sister fell back just before mile 2, she finished with a time of 27:33, average pace of 8:55 min/mile and her results were:Overall: 120th of 389Female: 33rd of 203F25-29: 10th of 27I think this September she will no longer be in my age group lol.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Can't Promise any Awesome Trophy Saturday

  Last night's run wasn't great, I was supposed to run 7 easy miles but instead I ended up with only 5 due to feeling it. It didn't really slow me down but I just didn't have 7 miles in me, either it was the heat and having a shirt on (I'm bloaty this week), or it just wasn't a great run. I felt like it was taking more effort than 5 miles should. I ran the 5 miles in 49:18 with an average pace of 9:51 min/mile or whatever, and for the most part it sucked.
My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:38
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 9:47
Mile 4 - 9:38
Mile 5 - 9:18
  Due to Thursday's run I am doubting anything spectacular at Saturday morning's race, not saying I won't try and give it my all or at least what I can give but I am not going to get my hopes up. I was going to for a 6-8 mile bike ride today with Dorian BUT it is pouring rain and I don't feel like being out there in this crap. We'll just have to see how tomorrow goes.....

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Last Night's 5 Miler

  The six mile bike ride Monday night just about kicked my butt, I decided to take Dorian to the USI trails and forgot about the hills. I had never taken my bike there let alone drug a pull along up with me, so I did have to get off the bike and walk it up some parts of the hills. I got it done though, and I might just avoid that while taking Dorian on bike rides.
   Last night's 5 mile felt the effects, but not awful. Shauna ran 4 miles of it while I ran 5. A storm had just passed over so it was feeling nice and cool and not a whole lot of people were out and about. I still need to get Shauna registered for the 5k this Saturday, and I can't remember if I registered her for the Evansville Half Marathon series.
  I ran 5 miles in 49:39 with an average pace of 9:55 min/mile so it can be considered an easy run.
My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:38
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 9:47
Mile 4 - 9:38
Mile 5 - 9:18
  Overall it was a good run, Thursday night I'm going to run an easy 7 and not worry about speed. I want to be ready for Saturday's race and maybe win another trophy if I can. I don't expect another 1st place, I might have to start registering in smaller races that I can be 50% sure that I would get a 1st place trophy.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Today's Easy 3 Miler with a few Hills

  I wasn't going to run today, because I have a scheduled  5 miler run tomorrow evening but with the threat of a storm and the cool weather I just had to get out there for a quick 30 minute run. I didn't want to run the usual route out here, and I didn't want to run on a completely flat course either so I decided to make the first half or 2 miles with hills and the last mile was pretty flat. Honestly I felt like I did more than 70 feet in elevation gain but the garmin says 70, so I'll take it. 
   I took it easy for the most part, ran the 3 miles in 30:25 with average pace of 10:08 min/mile. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:55
Mile 2 - 9:56
Mile 3 - 9:33
   First mile it took a bit to get into the groove, plus my "uhum" bowels needed to be loosened, thankfully Spring is here and the woods are green and full of cover with plenty of spots for a pit stop. After that, I picked up the pace a bit, mainly on the down hills. Overall it was a good run, and we will see how tomorrow's 5 miler goes on an easy, flat course.

Looking Back on the last Nine Months

  It is crazy to look back on the last nine months, to look back on the first night I ran a 9:14 pace for a whole mile, my fastest pace for a mile at that time. I was amazed that I was able to keep it up, and so excited to think that if I could do that maybe I could run with that pace longer, or even faster. I remember that night very clearly, it was warm and muggy and my 2nd Half was only 2 months away. Unfortunately I had injured myself before the HM, had to take some time off and start at ground zero. November had magical moments, I let my body do the thinking and make the decisions, and I saw 3 mile runs under 30 minutes and 4 mile runs at just as fast. My runs plateaued around December and through January, my first race of 2013 was 28:29 for a 5k with horrible hills. Throughout February and March I noticed that all my runs out here on these hills had helped a lot, and in April the St. Louis Half Marathon proved it for sure, even with the evil hills and the sudden onset of 65-70 degrees didn't slow me down and I ran 13.1 miles in 2:18:28, about 15-20 minutes faster than my last two Half Marathons.
  I've found myself getting faster; and yesterday's 5k race proved it with my fastest time of 25:26 so far, an average pace of 8:12 min/mile and the last mile was 7:57 pace. As of yesterday that is my fastest mile, and it now has me wondering if I can do that pace for more than a mile, or maybe even faster. I've only been running since 2010; three years ago this month, my first 5k race was 29:58 and an average pace of 9:58 min/mile in August 2010. Two years, 6 months later my 5k race at Hearts on Fire was 28:29 with a pace of 9:10 min/mile, and barely 4 months later the Newburgh Rivertown Trail 5k was 25:26 minutes with a pace of 8:12 min/mile.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Still Can't Believe It

    Just a few hours after finding out, I still cannot believe I made first place in my age group. This morning's race was rainy and cold, and I had to pee pretty much the whole race but that didn't stop me. I ran the 3.1 miles in 25:26 with an average pace of 8:12 min/mile, the last mile being a 7:57 min/mile pace which is my fastest yet. Out of 196 overall finishers, I was 45th place and out of 100 female finishers I was 9th place and out of 13 finishers in my age group of 20-29 years old I was first place. It is still so unreal and amazing at the same time, I will be picking up my trophy Monday at the Town Hall in Newburgh. I didn't stay after the finish, as I got a phone call from the vet telling me that Rocky's blood test for heart worms came back positive and they wanted me to bring him back in as soon as possible for another test free of charge. All I could think about was getting back home and taking Rocky to the vet, getting the second test done. Plus, I never in my dreams would have thought I would win a trophy, let alone in first place and in this age group. I figured if I ever did win something it would have been in my 40's, not my young 20's where you would think that there would be a lot more female runners. 
    Because I didn't stay for the awards, I now have to wait through Sunday wondering and anticipating the feeling of holding my very first trophy. It is kind of frustrating to know that I won and I wasn't even there to accept it, but I am just excited that I won a trophy. I feel like I am on top of the world right now, or just feeling great.

Newburgh Rivertown Trail 5k

   I woke up this morning to rain, and 48 degrees..... after having gotten somewhat used to the 80 degree weather, I was back in crappy weather. Forty-eight degrees wasn't bad, it was the rain that made it suck.
  This 5k report will be short, I mean seriously. I got to the school, got on the shuttle bus, got dropped off at the start. There were 3 tent like shelter things, and the bathroom was like a half mile away up a hill. I decided to go use it, got back to one of the tents and stood there for the next 20 minutes.
  Right as we lined up, I felt the need to pee.... great............ I didn't let that stop when we were off though, I said to myself screw it and did my best.
According to my Garmin, my splits were:
Mile 1 - 8:42
Mile 2 - 8:13
Mile 3 - 7:57
.1 - 6:26 but that really doesn't matter..........
My garmin time said 25:29 but the clock time says 25:26, my average pace was 8:12 min/mile, and I was shooting for either a sub 8 min/mile race or close to it and I feel pretty proud of myself considering the conditions.
The results are a bit confusing as far as the division goes, out of 196 finishers I finished 45th place, my division shows 1 13...... and I have no idea what the 1 is about. There were 100 female finishers and I would love to know what the 1 13 means dang it, I really want to know where I placed gender and age wise.........
Update: I won 1st place in my age group!!!!! Oh my god this is awesome, I can't believe it!!!!!!
I couldn't stay afterwards, my vet called with Rocky's heartworm blood results, coming back positive and wanting to run a blood test again so all I could think about was him and getting him to the vet immediately. If it is positive, he'll have to go through the treatment and I will not slack on his medication anymore, I haven't been on top of things since Molly.
I get to pick up my trophy Monday!!!!!! I have a freaking trophy!!!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Monday Night's Easy 5 and Tonight's hot and muggy 7

  Monday night was really good, Shauna was feeling great and although it was supposed to be an easy run our average pace was 10:15 min/mile, we ran 5 miles in 51:19, relatively easy but it felt slower. Our splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:54
Mile 2 - 10:07
Mile 3 - 10:28
Mile 4 - 10:02
Mile 5 - 9:46
  Pretty good overall, I was happy that Shauna felt good and was able to keep that kind of pace. 
  Tonight I ran by myself, Shauna wasn't feeling to great and promised she would try and run tonight. I ran 7 miles in 1:08:02 with an average pace of 9:43 min/mile so I will consider this something of a progression run, it was a tough one though. 81-85 degrees and a bit muggy, and my legs were tired from last night's 3 mile walk with Dorian. I almost did just 5 miles but then pushed to 6 and then said screw it and ran the planned 7.
My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:21
Mile 2 - 9:40
Mile 3 - 9:46
Mile 4 - 9:33
Mile 5 - 9:27
Mile 6 - 9:49
Mile 7 - 9:25

   It was tough, and I am definitely tired and really want to either take long hot bath or go to sleep. Tomorrow I've got an easy 5 miler planned, we'll see how it goes... I hope it is a bit cooler than today and that Shauna runs with me.