Monday, February 18, 2013

Tonight I was a Bad Girl

  This evening was supposed to be an easy recovery run, either 3 or 4 miles. I almost decided to run on my grandma's treadmill, but they had given/sold it to my Aunt Glenda a while back and after seeing a few runners out in the rain and wind I decided that I was not going to be a wimp and run inside. It was 50 degrees, piss pouring rain that was pelting my eyes and wind gusts of up to 32 mph, and 22 mph when it wasn't "gusting". After the first mile I stopped back by my grandma's house and took my long sleeve thermal off, kept my wind/rain breaker jacket one. It didn't help, I was soaked down the front by the time my run was over. 
  First off, tonight was not a bad run; first Monday in over 3 weeks that wasn't an awful run. The bad part........... I couldn't keep my pace slow no matter what. I ran 4 miles in 38:34, and it didn't feel like a hard effort at all, my average pace was 9:38 and I kind of feel bad as I am a little worried that I'll pay for this later. Part of me thinks I just wanted to get it over quickly because of the rain and wind, but part of me thinks it felt better because I was going at a good pace and not trying to force myself to stay slow. I don't know, maybe I'll take it easy Wednesday night. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:04
Mile 2 - 10:03
Mile 3 - 9:09
Mile 4 - 9:16

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