Sunday, February 3, 2013

This morning's long run, Friday's easy/recovery run

  This morning's run was 9.2 miles, it wasn't awful but it wasn't really awesome either. My calves were tight for the first 5 miles but really tight for the first mile or two, I almost thought about turning around but I just told myself to keep going and that I've done 9 miles twice now. I think the hard part was mainly because I added a lot more hills when I really didn't want to but I have to be prepared for whatever St. Louis's Half might throw at me. Even if I don't want to, I've got to train on hills, and especially during long runs. I blogged Friday night but I didn't post my splits so I'll post them on here before I post my 9.2 mile splits.
   Friday I ran 4 miles on a loop, I made sure that it was as easy and slow as I could because it was an easy/recovery run after my tempo run Thursday. I ran 4 miles in 47:20 with a pace of 11:50 and my splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:50
Mile 2 - 11:52
Mile 3 - 11:40
Mile 4 - 11:57
   I think I am going to avoid that park for a couple of weeks, I keep seeing a few of the same vehicles parked but mainly it's the same vehicles that are constantly driving around it that make me nervous. It's hard finding routes and always changing them, for safety reasons of course, being a woman and running alone is a bit of a hassle sometimes. Anyways.. technically this morning's run was 9.16 because my driveway (to my garage) ended before I reached 9.2 so I am going to call it 9.2 miles. I ran it slower than last weekend, 1 hour and 44 minutes, and 29 seconds with an average pace of 11:24 and an elevation gain of 292 feet which it felt like a whole lot more to me so not bad as it is supposed to be a long run focused on length, endurance and stamina not speed. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:46
Mile 2 - 11:47
Mile 3 - 11:22
Mile 4 - 11:05
Mile 5 - 11:33
Mile 6 - 11:27
Mile 7 - 11:37
Mile 8 - 11:03
Mile 9 - 11:03
.2      - 11:00

  So yeah, I kept pretty steady and I like to think that it remained a negative split. Tomorrow I've got to run my 5 mile recover/easy run, this will be the first run the day after a long run that I've done so it will be interesting to say the least. I'll have to remember to keep it slow, possibly slower than today's long run.

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