Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday Night Run

  Another decent Monday run, even after my fast 10 miles Sunday. I went to the USI Broadway Recreational Trail, I hadn't ran on it yet so I thought why not. It was getting dark, but oh well. On the downhill part right around 2.5 mile mark of my 4 miler, I was just minding my own business out there all by myself when I looked to my right and there not a few feet from the pathway was a deer staring at me. Within seconds I counted 4 deer just camouflaged in the woods, their eyes were the only things that stuck out. The clouds pretty much were beginning to blend with the woods which was on both sides of me, the dusk made it worse. My eyes were fighting to adapt to the changing light, but my adrenaline was pumping. On my turn around, I was trying to spot the deer again but couldn't see them, suddenly out of the corner of my eyes on my right I swear I saw something running through the woods towards me and as soon as I looked there was nothing. I had completely spooked myself during this run, I was the only out at this point, there wasn't anyone else this far out so I was freaking myself out. 
 Other than that, I kept the run relatively easy with an average pace of 10:43 min/mile and ran 4 miles in 42:54. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:07
Mile 2 - 10:45
Mile 3 - 10:31
Mile 4 - 10:29

  I don't know if I will go out on that pathway so close to dusk again, at least when running alone. It isn't so bad when walking, but when my adrenaline is pumping and I can barely see out in the woods as I pass them, it can get kind of creepy but cool in a way. Not so cool if something was out there, but thankfully nothing was.

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