Saturday, February 16, 2013

Friday's Easy Run and Blah Blah

  Tonight's 4 miler went well, nothing special with an average pace 10:52 so I definitely kept it easy and slow for the most part. My garmin hadn't synched yet so I will edit this for the splits later. I am going to take tomorrow easy and make sure my legs are well rested for the 10 miler Sunday, I still have to figure out my route. I think I've figured out how I am going to do my route tomorrow, I want to add a good amount of hills but more after mile 5 or 6, I want my legs to be warmed up and better prepared. After talking to some of the runners on RA, I feel like a wimp. The most in elevation I've ever ran or gained has been like 400 feet while many of them face anywhere from 500-1000 during runs. Heck I probably never would have started running if I had been in their areas lol, :) but who knows. Wednesday's 7 mile tempo wasn't bad at all, I think I am going to switch my mileage around to avoid injury but add a mile or two.
  Depending on my 10 mile run tomorrow, I think I am going to drop my Monday easy run to 3 or 4 miles, increase my Wednesday tempo run to 7 and put my Friday easy run at 5 miles. After a few longs runs of 10 miles (or right after my 11 miler) I will bring my Monday easy run back to 5 mile again. My plan or goal is to avoid injury and I am going to repeat that to myself as much as I have to, because I know that I have a tendency to start adding more and more thinking all is well and then BAM I get hit with an injury. I've got my first 2013 Half in St. Louis just a month and almost 2 weeks away, and after looking things over and talking to many I am not afraid of the hills and I am even excited. Then just shy of one month later is my second 2013 Half in Cincinnati which I still haven't taken too much look at the course yet. My goals are to run these under 2:30:00 and hopefully closer to 2:20:00 if not under, so I must be careful and not get aggressive with my training. 
  Although I want to get around 2:20:00, pretty much PB or PR at these two, I plan or am aiming for a PR in the Fall at the Evansville Half and the Indy Monumental Half as they are both relatively flat and I have ran the Evansville Half twice now (first one when pregnant, 2nd one I was injured). Anyways, my splits for Friday's run was:
 Mile 1 - 10:51
 Mile 2 - 11:15
 Mile 3 - 10:56
 Mile 4 - 10:25

  So I kept it relatively slow and easy, though I can't help but wonder why my Monday runs have sucked twice now, my tempos have been great and my Friday runs have been pretty easy and okay???? Hmmm

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