Friday, February 8, 2013

Excited and Nervous

  Tomorrow is the first race of the year for me, and my sister; I am extremely excited and nervous at the same time. This is a 5k race and I normally do better at longer runs because I can use the first mile or 2 to warm up so 3.1 miles doesn't really help me when there is only 3 miles. I am hoping that I will be able to get a 2 mile warm up run in before the race, either an hour and a half before the race or 20-25 minutes before we need to line up. My last 3 mile run which was......... I believe last Friday and that was a 10:07 pace which I took as easy as possible, but that was in the evening. My body seems used to evening runs now, if I am able to run in the mornings then my calves usually feel really tight for the first 2-4 miles so that has me nervous. My best 3 mile run was on November 6 at 4:30 pm and I ran that in 28:15 with a pace of 9:25 min/mile, I was feeling amazing that week and haven't really pushed myself to find out if I could do it again.
  Here in about 2 hours I will be heading out to go pick up me and my sister's race packet, so then I can be all excited about that and getting my clothes ready for tomorrow. It is expected to be 33 degrees, sunny and a wind speed of 8 mph so it shouldn't be extremely bad although it will be cold. I will try and dress not too warm, but not too cold.... hopefully the warm up run will get me warmed up.

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