Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Weekend Vacation kind of Threw me Off

   We got back from Tennessee yesterday afternoon, and after unloading everything and kind of relaxing a bit, I went for a run. Eight miles sucked more than I can describe it, the humidity was suffocating and making 78 degrees feel like a heat furnace. Over the weekend, my diet suffered and so did my body, I am not proud of what I consumed over the trip.... except at the Boathouse Rotisserie near the Chattanooga Aquarium, where I had Spit Roasted 1/2 Chicken (yum), a house salad with ranch and a Sweet Potato roasted in the Ashes (AMAZING), that was on Saturday evening, other than that it was cheetos and a hershey's bar, and water....and some dark chocolate. Sunday wasn't too awesome either, IHOP's Simply Fit Whole Wheat French Toast with bananas and blueberries, and some of the scrambled eggs, with water. After the aquarium, KFC's fried chicken leg and thigh, that night pizza from Dominoes. Monday made me hate myself even more, when we had to stop and feed Dorian, the only place close to us was McDonald's (kicking myself in the teeth right now), I scoffed at the fries Cameron thought I would want, but I ate the Double Cheeseburger and wanted to puke afterwards.... I don't think I have hated myself so much than I did right at that point. Then there was the Sun Chips Harvest Cheddar, but I can be somewhat happy that we stopped 3 hours later near Subway and I got my usual 6 inch toasted Honey Oat/oven roasted chicken breast/spinach/pickles/light mayo/bacon/shredded cheese and a chocolate chip cookie... I saved the other 6 inches for later that night after my run... Now to talk about the run....
   The first 3 miles wasn't bad, my plan was 6 but after the 3 I talked myself into 8 miles but after 4 miles I was feeling the toll that not eating too well all weekend had done on my body, and it was pretty miserable from there on out. I had passed the Tahoe at 5 miles and seriously wanted to turn around but I told myself 1.5 more miles on and then I'd turn around...it couldn't be that bad... it really sucked. Shauna had ran for an hour the night before so I was on my own, 8 miles in 1:31:34 and I am just glad I got through it without passing out. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:15
Mile 2 - 11:31
Mile 3 - 11:06 
Mile 4 - 11:35
Mile 5 - 11:35
Mile 6 - 11:19
Mile 7 - 12:01
Mile 8 - 11:11

   The 15k race is this Saturday coming up, so tomorrow night Shauna and I will just run 6 miles and take Thursday and Friday as rest days....I might walk 3 miles on those days but who knows. It looks like the high will be 73 that day and the low will be around 50something but all that can change in just a couple of days, although I am praying it doesn't. I am craving a race under 70 degree temps which will make the humidity irrelevant, I am so sick of these humid runs. This past week had the humidity above 85% and I am ready for it to end.

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