Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Great Race Overall!

  After a pretty severe storm last night, I woke up to the temperature being 61 degrees and it felt amazing to be out there, the 15k was great, at the very beginning I feared my bowels wouldn't cooperate but after going everything was fine. Shauna did pick up the pace and keep it until around 3 miles when I finally got her to slow down a little. We stayed under 11 minutes, with the first 3 miles being under 10:30 I think. I was nervous in the beginning, wondering how I would do and if I would run it all with no walking but I kept reminding myself to take every mile as it came. We averaged a 10:24 pace and finished 1:36:30 and our splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:12
Mile 2 - 10:23
Mile 3 - 10:36
Mile 4 - 10:49
Mile 5 - 10:56
Mile 6 - 10:44
Mile 7 - 10:18
Mile 8 - 10:01
Mile 9 - 10:12
.3 - 8:29
   I really wanted to keep the 10:01 after mile 8, but I am not really frustrated about because I am just happy to have ran under 11 minutes. I think if Shauna and I keep around 10:44-11:00 minute pace for the Half, at least the majority of the half then we should do pretty great. When we had the .3 left I tried to sprint after Shauna to keep up with her but suddenly my capri's decided to give me a severe camel toe which I could not help but focus on and it slowed me down. Shauna was about 2 seconds ahead of me, and I am pretty sure my finish didn't look awesome but oh well.... 4 more miles won't be much especially if we stick to a 10:45 pace.
    Last year there wasn't a 15k race, but during the Half Marathon they had those blue mats at 3.1 miles, 6 miles, and 9.3 miles as well as the finish. Last year's Half I averaged a 11:32 pace, my pace at each blue mat was:

   5k - 10:47 / 10k - 11:02 / 15k - 1:45:47 and my finishing time was 2:31:05. I am hoping that this year's Half will be a little better, maybe 5 minutes less.

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