Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Last Night's Run.....

   I was really expecting the 6 miles last night to be easy, or at least comfortable. I could have sworn we were running at a pace below 11 minutes but every time I looked at my garmin, it said we were closer to 12 minutes instead of 11 which was hard to believe. My legs felt like they were trying, but maybe they were still sore from Saturday's race....who knows. Our time was 1:09:28, averaging an 11:34 pace and our splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:35
Mile 2 - 11:29
Mile 3 - 11:40
Mile 4 - 11:58
Mile 5 - 12:02
Mile 6 - 10:42
   I will definitely say that it was a very strange run, and my mind still wants to say the garmin was going nuts or something. My legs were sore after the run, especially my quads, I just hope it is still from the race and not some underlying injury beginning to show it's face. Thursday we are going to run 5 miles, and take it easy then we have our 10 mile run coming up this weekend, I am partially nervous but also excited. I lost my USB Ant Agent after last Monday's 8 mile run, I cannot remember where I placed it but I went ahead and bought another one off of Amazon and am hoping they are universal.... I've become anal about loading my runs onto the Garmin.connect.
    Tomorrow Dorian will be 5 months old, he is getting closer to crawling now. It is so cute how he rocks back and forth on his knees now, he's not yet comfortable moving his hands, every time he does he loses his balance and rolls over and it always in slow motion. Then he tries to "hop" forward with his knees and feet, while inching his hands along the way, it is so adorable. His two teeth are really coming in now, and he's not always so happy about it but he is still a very good nature, happy little boy 95% of the time.

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