Thursday, September 6, 2012

Last Night's Run made up for Monday Night's Run

   As I blogged about Monday night's run being so awful, but being glad that I ran 8 miles.... I am pleased to say that last night's 6 miles went pretty dang good and really made up for Monday's run. I do appreciate that one quote I am always seeing on Facebook about all the bad runs help make the good runs feel really great. I am going to hit 23 miles this week, a little concerned that I am jumping ahead but I keep telling myself that I've been running for a while and my body is begging for it now, and I didn't mean for 23, last week I was supposed to run one 6 mile on Tuesday, a 5 mile on Thursday and my 9 miles Saturday and that made 20 but the vacation had me skip the 9 miles which I ended up with only 11 miles last week so I tried to make up for it Monday by running 8 and then last night's 6 miles, this weekend's race will be 9 miles so yeah..... Next week will be a 6 mile run, a 5 mile run and the 10 mile long run (if everything goes well, no more spontaneous plans)... I might drop the 6 mile run to 5 just to be on the safe side which would give me a 20 mile week and that is my goal after the Half Marathon (a month from this Friday!!!!!!!), weekly mileage between 15-20 miles during the winter and possibly increasing it to 25 mpw in spring and throughout next summer (we will have to see though). Anyways.... to the run last night; it was going to be 87 degrees with 55% humidity around 7 p.m but a storm came in at lunch time and knocked the temperature to 76 degrees with 55% humidity by the time we ran which was AMAZING!!! The high this Saturday will be like 74 but I am hoping the morning temp will be in the 50s for the race, if it is then I will cry tears of joy. Anyways..... I am blabbering again, my time for 6 miles was 1:05:38 which was 3 minutes off last week's 6 mile run (awesome) and about 5 minutes away from last year's 6 mile time, our average pace was 10:56 so I am good. The splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:10
Mile 2 - 11:14
Mile 3 - 11:34
Mile 4 - 11:11
Mile 5 - 10:31
Mile 6 - 9:57
and for 40 feet after mile 6 we were doing 5:08, which I thought my legs were going to run off without me; I cannot see how some of these elite runners can keep close to that for any length of time, 9:14 was almost impossible for me for a whole mile just a couple runs ago. Anyways, I am hoping Fall will set in soon, I am being mentally and emotionally drained by all this humidity and heat, but I am hoping that my training in this humid weather will really help me during the Half (as long as the weather is cold and nice). I just keep repeating that to myself.

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