Friday, September 21, 2012

A Crappy Run

   Yesterday sucked, normally I plan my eating schedule according to my workouts so yesterday was supposed to be my 5 mile run so I ate a Fiesta Lime Chicken from Applebees for lunch (no rice) which was almost 900 calories right there. At 3:00 p.m my mom texts me saying she has to clean from 6 p.m to 10 p.m.................. and Cameron couldn't watch him because he is extremely busy getting a new product up and going, and then his mom who works occasionally here at the shop got really sick so he had stayed with her at her house for a couple hours after 6 p.m. I was really upset, running is my therapy and it sucks even more if I eat the majority of my daily calories before  4 p.m thinking I was running and then it doesn't happen. And for those who think I have issues or need help, I don't.. I have goals and I do my best to stick to them, and I like a schedule without too many spontaneous changes, because that is just how I am. I like and feel safe and happy when I have control over situations in my life, my situations not others' situations. Sudden changes in my schedule can disrupt my peace and "center of self" (haha but seriously), maybe I do have issues but they work for me and have kept me going in the direction/s I want to go.
   This morning I said screw it, and took Dorian for my 5 mile run. Let me mention that my right butt cheek muscle has been hurting since the 15k race, like there is a knot or something. Dorian threatened to throw a fit for the first 1.8 miles while I contemplated turning around and then he fell asleep. I did not run all of it, I walked some if not a lot and it was not a good run for those reasons... it made me debate on running this weekend or taking the week off with MAYBE a 5 mile run, but I don't think I am going to run further than that.... I think.

   The last time I ran with Dorian was in May, he was around 8 lbs and it was only 2 miles....then the heat/humidity wave hit. Today he ways 8 lbs more and my butt cheek hurts. Oh well, there will always be the occasional bad run, at least I got out there. 

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