Monday, September 17, 2012

The 10 Mile Long Run

   My legs still freaking hurt from Sunday's 10 mile run, I don't know how Tuesday's 6 mile run will be....I think I might take it down to 5 miles but we will see. My legs started to hurt around 6 miles, I think the 15k race really kicked my butt and my legs are still trying to heal. This weekend I am going to run 10 miles instead of 11, maybe though I am not very sure yet. Shauna is running the Race for the Cure 5k so I don't know if she will run with me on the long run. Our average pace was 11:51 mpm, I was hoping for an average 10:45 pace but eh, it's better than no pace at all.
  The splits/laps were:

Mile 1 - 11:35
Mile 2 - 11:34
Mile 3 - 11:39
Mile 4 - 11:34
Mile 5 - 11:35
Mile 6 - 12:03
Mile 7 - 12:31
Mile 8 - 12:31
Mile 9 - 11:53
Mile 10 - 11:37

   I really don't have much else to say, I found my other USB stick for my watch........I really need to clean out my purse lol. The Half Marathon is 19 days away, less than 3 weeks and I am excited though I have other things on my mind. Crap going on internationally, our business not doing so well on sales, I am worried about what the future holds for us all, some people might say it's the tin foil hat syndrome, fearing about war but there is a good chance for a big war and this world is due for it.. I just hope it doesn't happen within the next decade. I don't want to imagine someone coming in and hurting my little boy, but it is a fear that lingers in my mind. Humans are destructive creatures, and what's worse is that they are self-destructive. Most species of animals have a strong sense of self-preservation, and will try not to spill blood with another of their species.... humans on the other hand look forward to it and can't stop it. More blood has been spilled "in the name of God", or religion period than for anything else... Okay I am done freaking out on here, this is my running blog, not my "everything else" blog.

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