Saturday, July 26, 2014

Yesterday and Today

  So yesterday Rocky and I got up at like.... 4 AM I think, got dressed and had some coffee and headed out for the trails. It was 59 degrees, and there were a lot of parts on the way that had extreme amounts of fog. There was one part, for like half a mile (I suck at measuring and even more so when driving 50 mph) where I couldn't see 10 feet beyond the front of my tahoe, I was seriously beginning to freak out when it finally dissipated or whatever. 
  The trails were clear though, no creepy mist or fog so that was good. Rocky and I enjoyed the trails, even with the annoying spiderwebs. It was nice and cool weather, very enjoyable. We ran 5.2 miles in 54:48 with an average time of 10:32 min/mile, elevation gain of 64 feet and a loss of 66 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:54
Mile 2 - 9:53
Mile 3 - 10:09
Mile 4 - 11:10
Mile 5 - 10:45
.2      - 9:45

    This morning we didn't get up around dawn, Dorian had me up most of the night due to his restlessness. Even though his ear infections are getting better, he is now coming down with the sniffles (and so am I apparently) or a runny nose and a little cough. I woke up actually hoarse this morning but it has happened many times before and usually goes away. I do have some throat spray but I won't bother trying that on Dorian, I'll just give him the cough and mucus stuff. 
   We left the house at 9:50 AM, I knew it would be warm (some storms are coming in and bringing hot, humid temps this weekend) but damn. It was 79 degrees, 70% humidity and dew point around 70, and sunny. The sun beating down on me made it feel as if it were 90, but I survived and Dorian enjoyed himself. I ran 3 miles in 29:43 with an average pace of 9:54 min/mile, elevation gain of 91 feet and a loss of 109 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:22
Mile 2 - 9:39
Mile 3 - 9:41

   Tomorrow is going to be interesting or frustrating, forecast is predicting storms from this afternoon on into tomorrow evening along with a high of 95 and humid. I've got a 16 miler planned.... we'll just have to see how things go, I really don't want to have to push it to the evening although it won't be too humid and the storms will supposedly stop.

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