Wednesday, July 23, 2014

So Far This Week (I am ranting)

  Well, so far this week I've only gotten in 3 miles and it looks like that could be pretty much all I will get if DH has his way. Dorian ( my son ) has been very grumpy and needy and temperamental over the last week, then Monday night he had a fever and I took him to the Urgent Care facility andI realized just how ill he was feeling when he wasn't even interested in climbing off my lap and running around like a wild animal in the lobby... as long as my son is feeling at least 45% he will run amuck. I found out that both of his ears are infected so I got him the Amoxicilin or however you spell it and more children's Tylenol and Advil for the fever and pain.
  I also decided that I wouldn't take him on the 3 mile run, since it was still 90 degrees at 6 PM and I knew he wouldn't enjoy that (neither would I). My mom was more than happy to come out and watch him but I was also willing to not run at all if he didn't improve and feel better, after many naps throughout the day he was definitely feeling better last night. DH got home about a half hour before my mom got there and when I called my mom to see where she's at - Dorian got upset and was following me around crying so DH asked why I couldn't skip ONE day (which will turn out to be the whole week) - now here's the info for you, my son cannot stand me being on the phone, whether it is at work, home or even out shopping or in the tahoe, he gets upset and immediately wants my full attention. The moment I got off the phone with my mom, he was happy and content again. I didn't even bother arguing with DH about it, since his birth I have had Dorian with me just about 24 hours a freaking day for over 2 years now so crucify me for wanting some me time. Hell, I've skipped races and runs for this boy when he was actually miserable and needed me - I have absolutely no problem skipping a run to comfort him when he is feeling like shit but I knew he was feeling better this morning and audacity of my husband to tell me I need to forget running right now and take care of my improving son is bullshit. He just doesn't want to try and comfort him (and fail) or have his sleep interrupted, it is complete bullshit! If my son (when he ends up talking) asks me to stay with him or take him with me, I will happily do it (I want to share my joys and stuff with him) but DH's whole reason is because he doesn't want to be stuck with an upset toddler. That is why I am angry.
  Hopefully Dorian will improve much more today and I will be able to sneak out for my 8 miler tomorrow morning, but I am not holding my breath and I am pretty much expecting no more runs this week. Last night I ran the hilly 3 mile route (technically 3.2 starting in my driveway and around and back to my driveway). And surprisingly I didn't stop once to breath, no real idea what the temp or humidity was as my garmin for some reason didn't get it but I think it was around 87-90 degrees still and somewhat humid. 3.2 miles in 31:37 with an average pace of 9:59 min/mile. 

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