Thursday, July 10, 2014

Slow and Sore 8 Miler

  I am so glad I have two alarms set for the mornings, I guess Tuesday's 3 miler did wear me out but probably mostly because of the heat. I didn't hear my 3 AM alarm go off, which was why I was so surprised when I woke up to my 4:15 AM alarm and saw the time. I got up and half expected Dorian to wake up because he had seemed restless when the alarm went off, but luckily he didn't.
  I had my coffee, didn't eat anything and went to the bathroom (and got dressed) and was out the door by 4:30 AM. It was 72 degrees, 73% humidity and no wind as usual but it didn't feel too awful for the first 30-40 minutes. My quads and calves were seriously sore from Tuesday's run, I had pushed myself too fast trying to go around people and now I was feeling it. It was sore and crappy for the first 3-5 miles.
  Between miles 6 and 7 I had to go to the bathroom, unfortunately I had to kind of walk through a field where drivers passing by could watch me walking so I waited 5 minutes  because I could finally go into the field and find an opening in the woods. I asked God forgiveness because this wasn't just a field...... it was a cemetery, but in my defense there weren't any graves in this corner of the field, the closest was about 50-60 feet away so hopefully I didn't anger any spirits :P
   I spooked a doe and her fawn just before mile 8, which also spooked me. I really wanted 8 miles, and would have been fine with less then 8 miles (but more than 7) due to the not so easy pace Tuesday so I was a little aggravated when I reached 8 miles and was still half a mile from home so I ran another .3 just so I didn't have to walk that far (I like to get into my ice cold bath as soon as possible after my mid-long run and long run).
   I ran 8.3 miles in 1:26:42 with an average pace of 10:27 min/mile which is what I want my easy runs (Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday) to be, but ended up with it today on what should be my progressive mid long run or just a nice fast mid long run. But I didn't fret, I am going to try and learn from my mistakes. Elevation gain of 165 feet and a loss of 155 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:08
Mile 2 - 10:29
Mile 3 - 10:40
Mile 4 - 10:39
Mile 5 - 10:28
Mile 6 - 10:19
Mile 7 - 10:03
Mile 8 - 10:04
.3       - 9:33

   Lesson to be learned, take my dang easy days as easy days dang it!

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