Thursday, July 24, 2014

An Update on Week 5

  Most important thing first - my son is feeling MUCH better, he started feeling better yesterday but still has some severe pains in his ears around there but it's rare and doesn't last. He really isn't have any more fevers, so that is good and he is in a much better mood so that is really good. I just wish I knew when it started and what caused it.
  Last night I was able to run, I decided to run the same loop as Tuesday night with 3.2 miles and I am glad I chose that instead of the 8 that is normally planned on Wednesdays because it was raining. Granted, the rain felt really good even with the temperature around 79 degrees and humidity at 79% but my shoes didn't enjoy it :( Oh well, hopefully they'll dry up no problem, I normally use them for these short runs anyways.
  I ran 3.2 miles in 30:51 with an average pace of 9:39 min/mile so it was faster than I wanted but damn it I definitely noticed the easiness without the stroller even with the hills. Only 86 feet in elevation gain though, I would think more with the hills but nope.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:00
Mile 2 - 9:40
Mile 3 - 9:23
.2       - 9:04

   So this morning all was quiet in the house, and I was able to get out for the 8 miler. Temperature was 63 degrees, humidity 77% but dew point was below like 55 so it felt great and I took Rocky with me. We ran the streets, I just didn't feel like driving all the way to the trails but tomorrow morning if all goes well Rocky and I will hit the trails as it is only going to be like 60 degrees.
  The run went well, I spooked myself again damn it.... I hate it when the fields of corn are tall and you start to imagine things jumping out of them at you, all you see are shadows. Hell, the images that kept coming to mind were that of Jeepers Creepers 2 and it was hard to get that shit out of my head... my imagination has no boundaries lol.
  I didn't have to make one pit stop myself but Rocky did, like freaking 5 times to pee and only one time at 5.5 miles to poop. Oh, and we passed 2 skunks just a little after mile 5 (on the other side of the road getting ready to cross, I think they were siblings) and I think we spooked a skunk back around mile 4 but I am not sure.
  We ran 8 miles in 1:21:23 with an average pace of 10:10 min/mile, not bad and with an elevation gain of 163 feet and a loss of 158 feet. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:53
Mile 2 - 10:10
Mile 3 - 10:15
Mile 4 - 10:06
Mile 5 - 10:04
Mile 6 - 10:06
Mile 7 - 10:13
Mile 8 - 9:34

    So even though I was a little frazzled and worried Tuesday, so far this week has been going well and hopefully the 16 miler Sunday will go off without a hitch.


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