Wednesday, July 30, 2014

This Morning's Run, Still Not Feeling Great

  So I was able to wake up this morning at 3:15 AM, without any issue from Dorian so that was good. It was only about 60 degrees, so Rocky and I went to the trails for the 8 mile run. Second time a cop was there and asked me (nicely) what I was doing and felt satisfied with my answer (running with my dog) so he said have fun and left. I am wondering when exactly I will run into the particularly not nice officer who tells me to leave.... so far that hasn't happened so lets keep our fingers crossed.
  Things seemed to be going well for the first mile, into mile 2 I had to make a pit stop and I started feeling sick in the stomach and just... kind of blah which was stronger when running. Had it been warmer, like above 65 I probably wouldn't have made it beyond 4 miles, I had to stop every mile or other mile and after mile 5 I sat down for a minute or so and even laid in the grass. Whatever the hell is going on, whatever it is that is trying to put me down.... I wish it would just go ahead and kick my ass now, instead it is torturing me.
   Rocky was done around 5-6 miles, even with 60 degrees he was still feeling it and slowing down some but not bad. Not nearly as rough as yesterday evening's 4 miler, but he is a tough pooch. I am seriously wondering if this bug will go away in the next couple of days, otherwise I don't see Sunday's 16 miler happening.
   Rocky and I ran 8 miles in 1:24:19 with an average pace of 10:32 min/mile, elevation gain of 98 feet and a loss of 113 feet. I was happy to be finished with it.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:22
Mile 2 - 10:35
Mile 3 - 9:37
Mile 4 - 10:19
Mile 5 - 10:32
Mile 6 - 11:39
Mile 7 - 10:41
Mile 8 - 9:30

   Tomorrow is 3 miles.... let's see how it goes. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Last Few Days

   So......... here it goes - Saturday wasn't bad, we didn't run until about 10 AM and even though it was in the 70's it still wasn't bad, Rocky did well and of course Dorian enjoyed his ride. We ran 3 miles in 29:34 with an average pace of 9:54 min/mile, so not bad.
  Sunday was a whole other story....... and it was an awfully epic fail. First I wasn't able to get out the door in the morning, Dorian woke with my alarm and stayed awake. Sunday was a miserably hot day, even at 5 AM it was 78 degrees with 90% humidity and a dew point of 75 so it was freaking awful so I am actually a little relieved that I wasn't able to go out in that. I was still in relatively high hopes that I would get my 16 miler in later that afternoon because the temp would begin to drop and so would the humidity.
There is a reason I like doing my long runs in the morning on an empty stomach, and I made a big mistake eating pizza an hour or so before 6 PM. I finally said screw it at 5:30 PM and started getting ready, it was still currently 90 degrees outside...... but I didn't know that until after my attempt.
  I knew this was going to be a tough one when before mile 2 I had to make a pit stop, and I began to feel sick. I thought it was just the heat so I pushed on, stopping every half mile or so to recover from what I thought was the heat. I was already drinking water, and by mile 4 I had a GU and had to sit for 5-10 minutes before pushing on. I was feeling awful, I noticed my phone was low on charge - I only had about 7% battery life left.
  Just before mile 5 I had to stop again and breath, have some water and curse the weather and how I was feeling. I was sitting in the grass along the road trying to call my husband, no signal, no network. A woman stopped and asked if I was okay, I said yes and thank you. As I got up, I realized I had the chills, not horribly noticeable but enough to be a concern for me as I've never had them during a run. I was getting a little worried at this point, if I pushed on and found myself feeling much, much worse and my phone dead I wouldn't be able to reach anyone and it would be a long walk/hobble home. I pushed to mile 6 and checked my phone, it was down to 4% (my phone sucks when it comes to battery life) but I had signal. This was a hard choice to make, I had never felt this awful and it was intensified by the almost 90 degrees. I could choose to be stubborn and bullheaded (and stupid), push on and try for 8-9 miles at least and risk being caught 25-30 minutes from home (and that is if I ran) with no phone. After 5 minutes, I made the call and asked my husband to pick me up. I made it to 6.6 miles before he got to me, and I was pissed but relieved all in one.
  I ran the 6.6 miles in 1:05:09 BUT with an elapsed time of 1:40:24, it would have taken me 3 hours to finish 16 miles and that is if I hadn't gotten worse. Elevation gain was 231 feet and a loss of 162 feet. Pace was an average 9:54 min/mile, I am sure my pace didn't help at all.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:02
Mile 2 - 9:35
Mile 3 - 9:37
Mile 4 - 9:59
Mile 5 - 9:57
Mile 6 - 10:08
.6      - 10:05

   I guess the only thing that can make me feel better about that week is knowing that I had made that week a possible cutback week (but really didn't want to) I managed around 29 miles for the 5th week of marathon training. :(

    Yesterday was a rest day, but Dorian and Rocky and I went for a 3 mile walk. I also realized I had sinus congestion (yay, what fun) which can sometimes last me all week. This morning we went for a 2.8 mile hike, it was a beautiful 65 degrees and Dorian did the whole 2.8 miles no problem.
   This evening I decided to run 4 miles, and I am almost so tempted to add a mile to tomorrow's run, Thursday's run and Friday's run just out of fear of something happening this Sunday to screw up my planned 16 miler. :(
  Anyways, it wasn't bad so I took Rocky with us and we ran 4 miles on a hilly section so that was fun. We ran the 4 miles in 40:22 with an average pace of 10:05 min/mile, elevation gain of 170 and a loss of 170 feet (weird). I still am not feeling 100%, I think other than sinus congestion I am dealing with some bug or something.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:31
Mile 2 - 10:00
Mile 3 - 9:53
Mile 4 - 9:55

    Temperature was 77 degrees, humidity at 47% so barely anything. We did a 1.3 mile cool down walk, hopefully I won't feel like crap tomorrow morning....

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Yesterday and Today

  So yesterday Rocky and I got up at like.... 4 AM I think, got dressed and had some coffee and headed out for the trails. It was 59 degrees, and there were a lot of parts on the way that had extreme amounts of fog. There was one part, for like half a mile (I suck at measuring and even more so when driving 50 mph) where I couldn't see 10 feet beyond the front of my tahoe, I was seriously beginning to freak out when it finally dissipated or whatever. 
  The trails were clear though, no creepy mist or fog so that was good. Rocky and I enjoyed the trails, even with the annoying spiderwebs. It was nice and cool weather, very enjoyable. We ran 5.2 miles in 54:48 with an average time of 10:32 min/mile, elevation gain of 64 feet and a loss of 66 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:54
Mile 2 - 9:53
Mile 3 - 10:09
Mile 4 - 11:10
Mile 5 - 10:45
.2      - 9:45

    This morning we didn't get up around dawn, Dorian had me up most of the night due to his restlessness. Even though his ear infections are getting better, he is now coming down with the sniffles (and so am I apparently) or a runny nose and a little cough. I woke up actually hoarse this morning but it has happened many times before and usually goes away. I do have some throat spray but I won't bother trying that on Dorian, I'll just give him the cough and mucus stuff. 
   We left the house at 9:50 AM, I knew it would be warm (some storms are coming in and bringing hot, humid temps this weekend) but damn. It was 79 degrees, 70% humidity and dew point around 70, and sunny. The sun beating down on me made it feel as if it were 90, but I survived and Dorian enjoyed himself. I ran 3 miles in 29:43 with an average pace of 9:54 min/mile, elevation gain of 91 feet and a loss of 109 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:22
Mile 2 - 9:39
Mile 3 - 9:41

   Tomorrow is going to be interesting or frustrating, forecast is predicting storms from this afternoon on into tomorrow evening along with a high of 95 and humid. I've got a 16 miler planned.... we'll just have to see how things go, I really don't want to have to push it to the evening although it won't be too humid and the storms will supposedly stop.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

An Update on Week 5

  Most important thing first - my son is feeling MUCH better, he started feeling better yesterday but still has some severe pains in his ears around there but it's rare and doesn't last. He really isn't have any more fevers, so that is good and he is in a much better mood so that is really good. I just wish I knew when it started and what caused it.
  Last night I was able to run, I decided to run the same loop as Tuesday night with 3.2 miles and I am glad I chose that instead of the 8 that is normally planned on Wednesdays because it was raining. Granted, the rain felt really good even with the temperature around 79 degrees and humidity at 79% but my shoes didn't enjoy it :( Oh well, hopefully they'll dry up no problem, I normally use them for these short runs anyways.
  I ran 3.2 miles in 30:51 with an average pace of 9:39 min/mile so it was faster than I wanted but damn it I definitely noticed the easiness without the stroller even with the hills. Only 86 feet in elevation gain though, I would think more with the hills but nope.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:00
Mile 2 - 9:40
Mile 3 - 9:23
.2       - 9:04

   So this morning all was quiet in the house, and I was able to get out for the 8 miler. Temperature was 63 degrees, humidity 77% but dew point was below like 55 so it felt great and I took Rocky with me. We ran the streets, I just didn't feel like driving all the way to the trails but tomorrow morning if all goes well Rocky and I will hit the trails as it is only going to be like 60 degrees.
  The run went well, I spooked myself again damn it.... I hate it when the fields of corn are tall and you start to imagine things jumping out of them at you, all you see are shadows. Hell, the images that kept coming to mind were that of Jeepers Creepers 2 and it was hard to get that shit out of my head... my imagination has no boundaries lol.
  I didn't have to make one pit stop myself but Rocky did, like freaking 5 times to pee and only one time at 5.5 miles to poop. Oh, and we passed 2 skunks just a little after mile 5 (on the other side of the road getting ready to cross, I think they were siblings) and I think we spooked a skunk back around mile 4 but I am not sure.
  We ran 8 miles in 1:21:23 with an average pace of 10:10 min/mile, not bad and with an elevation gain of 163 feet and a loss of 158 feet. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:53
Mile 2 - 10:10
Mile 3 - 10:15
Mile 4 - 10:06
Mile 5 - 10:04
Mile 6 - 10:06
Mile 7 - 10:13
Mile 8 - 9:34

    So even though I was a little frazzled and worried Tuesday, so far this week has been going well and hopefully the 16 miler Sunday will go off without a hitch.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

So Far This Week (I am ranting)

  Well, so far this week I've only gotten in 3 miles and it looks like that could be pretty much all I will get if DH has his way. Dorian ( my son ) has been very grumpy and needy and temperamental over the last week, then Monday night he had a fever and I took him to the Urgent Care facility andI realized just how ill he was feeling when he wasn't even interested in climbing off my lap and running around like a wild animal in the lobby... as long as my son is feeling at least 45% he will run amuck. I found out that both of his ears are infected so I got him the Amoxicilin or however you spell it and more children's Tylenol and Advil for the fever and pain.
  I also decided that I wouldn't take him on the 3 mile run, since it was still 90 degrees at 6 PM and I knew he wouldn't enjoy that (neither would I). My mom was more than happy to come out and watch him but I was also willing to not run at all if he didn't improve and feel better, after many naps throughout the day he was definitely feeling better last night. DH got home about a half hour before my mom got there and when I called my mom to see where she's at - Dorian got upset and was following me around crying so DH asked why I couldn't skip ONE day (which will turn out to be the whole week) - now here's the info for you, my son cannot stand me being on the phone, whether it is at work, home or even out shopping or in the tahoe, he gets upset and immediately wants my full attention. The moment I got off the phone with my mom, he was happy and content again. I didn't even bother arguing with DH about it, since his birth I have had Dorian with me just about 24 hours a freaking day for over 2 years now so crucify me for wanting some me time. Hell, I've skipped races and runs for this boy when he was actually miserable and needed me - I have absolutely no problem skipping a run to comfort him when he is feeling like shit but I knew he was feeling better this morning and audacity of my husband to tell me I need to forget running right now and take care of my improving son is bullshit. He just doesn't want to try and comfort him (and fail) or have his sleep interrupted, it is complete bullshit! If my son (when he ends up talking) asks me to stay with him or take him with me, I will happily do it (I want to share my joys and stuff with him) but DH's whole reason is because he doesn't want to be stuck with an upset toddler. That is why I am angry.
  Hopefully Dorian will improve much more today and I will be able to sneak out for my 8 miler tomorrow morning, but I am not holding my breath and I am pretty much expecting no more runs this week. Last night I ran the hilly 3 mile route (technically 3.2 starting in my driveway and around and back to my driveway). And surprisingly I didn't stop once to breath, no real idea what the temp or humidity was as my garmin for some reason didn't get it but I think it was around 87-90 degrees still and somewhat humid. 3.2 miles in 31:37 with an average pace of 9:59 min/mile. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Closing out Week 4 with 15 Miles

   Yesterday morning Dorian, Rocky and I went for a 3 miler... blah blah blah.... in 30:39 with an average pace of 10:12 min/mile and then we cooled down with a .6 mile walk.
   This morning I was up and out the door just before 4 AM for the 15 miler closing out the 4th week of my training, it is funny how when you're looking at a run longer than 10 miles you're thinking "fuuu.....c...k me". The temperature was 66 degrees and 83% humidity but not awful.
   I chose the creepiest two roads for the first 3 miles so it was pitch black in some areas and my imagination would kind of run wild - luckily I lived and nothing attacked me or tried to eat me.
   At mile 8 I consumed a Hammer Nutrition Chocolate gu and chased it down with some water then got back to running. By this point the sun was coming up and the creepy feeling was gone, oh and I haven't heard any coyotes lately.... weird.
   I was definitely feeling sore, I guess the soreness they call running on tired/fatigued legs. It was manageable, and the cooler weather helped and the not feeling so crappy like last weekend.
   At mile 12 I stopped and consumed a Chocolate Rage Energy Gu and chased it with water. Throughout the run I did consume some water with 2 of the Hammer Nutrition Endurolyte Fizz tablets. I only had 3 miles left, oh yeah! And then it was only 2 miles, so even more awesome, then at mile 14 I stopped just before the final mile to pump myself up for the couple of hills and the large hill at the end.
    I ran 15 miles in 2:30:37 with an average pace of 10:02 min/mile, elevation gain of 397 feet and a loss of 372 feet.

Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:08
Mile 2 - 10:44
Mile 3 - 10:28
Mile 4 - 10:14
Mile 5 - 10:15
Mile 6 - 10:20
Mile 7 - 10:09
Mile 8 - 10:06
Mile 9 - 10:04
Mile 10 - 9:44
Mile 11 - 9:45
Mile 12 - 9:40
Mile 13 - 9:24
Mile 14 - 9:38
Mile 15 - 8:56

Friday, July 18, 2014

This Morning's Run on the Trails with Rocky

   So I really didn't want to get out bed this morning, I mean I seriously was thinking of an excuse when my alarm went off at 3:15 AM... my bed felt so amazing and comfortable, and my right hip/side was hurting... not sure why exactly but I must have slept on it wrong.
  Alas, I reluctantly got up and got dressed and had some coffee and sat at the computer for a moment or two. Rocky was ready to go, and I was more awake by the time we got out the door.
  The temperature was 63 degrees, humidity around 77% but it felt great out and I knew Rocky would enjoy it. I am so glad this week has seen much cooler weather, Rocky has been able to run with me more this week than he has in the last 2 months.
  The trails were nice, it was pretty uneventful other than stopping to watch a raccoon cautiously climb up a tree, and then of course the deer looking at us like we're crazy. Just after mile 1 was when something interesting happened, I guess I started to "daydream" about things - we had just watched the movie "Snowpiercer" the other night so I guess I started thinking of what I would do if we did in fact have a severe ice age and how would I take care of my son. Well, not too long after those thoughts started racing through mind did an evil root jump out at me and try ripping my left foot off. I hit that thing and just about went flying, but my legs stiffened up and caught me... not exactly the best 2nd option but I didn't feel like experiencing the fly, tuck and roll thing.
   After that, things went back to be uneventful. We ran 5 miles in 52:11 with an average pace of 10:26 min/mile, elevation gain of 46 feet and a loss of 61 feet. I wish this weather would stay around, it is feeling so amazing but I am sure we've only got a few more days left with it.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:25
Mile 2 - 10:34
Mile 3 - 9:52
Mile 4 - 10:48
Mile 5 - 9:31

Thursday's Run and Success

   I finally got my stupid garmin to upload my last 3 workouts! And I don't exactly know how I did it either, and if it is even actually fixed or was some sort of freak occurrence..... this morning coming back from the trails I first tried it in the laptop, nothing happened so I finally grabbed the old ANT agent Stick thingy that came with my 410's and stuck it into the lab top along with the tiny little ANT agent that came with the 610 - still nothing. So in frustration and about to say F*%$ all things holy I am done, I stick both into the actual computer and just sit there wondering what the heck I am supposed to do now when (and I can't remember if I actually clicked on Garmin Express or it popped up) Express asked if I wanted to pair with the 610 which then immediately my 610 pops up with the same question so I say yes. The 610 then says transferring files but the sync fails, so in a last ditch effort of hope I click retry on the Express and OMG it worked! It said synced successfully and so my last 3 workouts since Wednesday are now up there and I have no honest idea how or what happened of if I can manage to do it again next time.
  Okay, so yesterday Dorian and I ran with Team 13 for 3.3 miles and I ended going much faster than I wanted. They didn't stage groups like lasts time and it was pretty confusing at the start, I don't remember the pep talk or the prayer and we just headed out on the road. 
  The only good that came from the beginning bottle neck was that I was forced to slow down to around 10 minute pace, the bad thing was I didn't want to be stuck in the midst with so many people so I made sure to push on, faster and faster. I fell into a good groove after mile 2 and in a good spot that wasn't too crowded, then we came to an intersection where we had to stop and wait for like a minute or 2 and EVERY SINGLE PERSON I had just passed in the last 5 minutes caught up to me and 3 other people and got right in front of me and my stroller (I wanted to scream at them) so when we were able to cross I had to use up precious energy to re-pass 10-20 freaking people that I had already passed. Common sense and group running etiquette should tell someone that if another runner (even one with a stroller) passes you, it's probably because they are faster and it would be very rude for you to take advantage of an intersection stop and get in front of them and slow them down when everything gets going again. It really frustrates me, and I am sure people were feeling my vibes, it almost makes me not want to even bother running with the group. 
  I'll be better prepared next time, anyways I ran 3.3 miles in 31:44 - moving time 31:20 because at the first intersection I forgot to stop the garmin for 24 seconds... pooh on that. Anyways, it was like 79 degrees sunny but not bad until near the end as I was heating up and going much faster than I wanted in the final two miles and it wasn't  until the final .3 of the run that I got back up to where I wanted to be.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:11
Mile 2 - 9:22
Mile 3 - 9:17
.3      - 9:44

   I'll post this morning's bloop later today, right now I've got a toddler demanding my attention and get ready for work.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tuesday and Wednesday

  First off, I want to say that I am getting sick and tired of garmin express or my garmin 610 as it is no longer uploading to garmin connect. So I cannot look up the elevation and exact temperature during my runs now, which has me very P*$$ed off dang it.
  Tuesday evening's run was pleasant, the temperature around 6 PM was like 73 and no humidity. It was really nice, we ran 3 miles in 30:01 with an average pace of 9:58 min/mile though things did start out where I wanted them to, it picked up.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:05
Mile 2 - 10:06
Mile 3 - 9:47

   Wednesday morning was beautiful weather, just unbelievably beautiful with 58 degrees and barely any humidity to be felt. So Rocky and I hit the trails for 8 miles and it was amazing, even with all the spiderwebs I didn't care. It was a slow run, as my trail runs normally are slower than the road runs.
  We ran 8 miles in 1:28:31 (probably the slowest I have ever ran 8 miles) with an average pace of 11:04 min/mile, but that is okay because it felt great and we really enjoyed it. It pretty much makes all the negative parts of Sunday's 14 miler just worth suffering.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:12
Mile 2 - 10:39
Mile 3 - 10:59
Mile 4 - 11:11
Mile 5 - 10:55
Mile 6 - 11:07
Mile 7 - 10:52
Mile 8 - 10:29

   So other than my stupid garmin 610 not uploading workouts anymore and me not knowing why, the last 2 runs have gone really well and I feel really good about them. If only the weather could be like yesterday all year long.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

This Morning's Humid 14 Miler

   Well, lets start with yesterday morning's run which was 2.4 miles so I took both Dorian and Rocky with me for a 25 minute run, we ran 2.4 in 24:40. Rocky does real well even trotting with the stroller, sadly they frown on dogs being in our training group so he can come and it's just hot and humid most of the summer. Other than that, it was pretty uneventful.

  Now for this morning, I told ya'll the forecast was saying temps in the high 70's and high humidity for this morning. They weren't kidding, it was 75 degrees, 89% humidity and a dew point of 70 or 71.... I walked out the door at 3:40 AM and it almost felt like I was being smothered, suffocated by an invisible blanket or something. It was awful, but I knew I had to get out there and get my 14 miles in.. no excuses. I focused on just one mile at a time and for a while it went well.
  Before mile 1, I scared a coyote who was apparently so intrigued by some smell he didn't notice me until I made noises which then he took off. Around mile 4 I had to go to the bathroom, and I think I used some questionable leaves.... from now on I am taking baby wipes with me. That wasn't the end of it either, things started going down hill by mile 5 and then I was stopping every mile or so, my quads were really sore and my calves were really tight and I was feeling sick to my stomach.
  Around mile 8 things really began to go downhill, so much so that I was struggling with the urge to just go home and call it a 10, but I pushed on. The weather wasn't helping and my stomach was just fighting me all the way, it just wasn't a fun run at all :(
  I kept pushing, and fighting and telling myself to focus on each mile. I was covered in sweat and just feeling nasty, my clothes felt as if I had gone swimming in them but warm rather than cold which would have been awesome.
  I can't express how happy I was to get to mile 12 and then 13, only one mile to go! This was probably one of my toughest runs this year, and so far the toughest run of this training season. I really, truly hope there aren't a lot of these days but then again I know they'll only make me stronger when Fall gets here and the race gets here.
  I finished 14 miles in 2:24:30 with an average pace of 10:19 min/mile, but the elapsed time was 3:11:36.......... 47 minutes worth of stopping, being sick and trying to go to the bathroom.... good god, seeing that is really frustrating. Elevation gain was 307 feet and a loss of 304 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:17
Mile 2 - 10:33
Mile 3 - 10:25
Mile 4 - 10:23
Mile 5 - 10:29
Mile 6 - 10:45
Mile 7 - 10:48
Mile 8 - 10:44
Mile 9 - 10:37
Mile 10 - 10:09
Mile 11 - 9:51
Mile 12 - 9:46
Mile 13 - 9:37
Mile 14 - 9:08

   Yes... I know the splits were still a good negative but by mile 11 I just wanted to finish and get home. I have decided that I am going to cut back to 5 days a week rather than 6, see how that goes and maybe, just maybe I'll do a recovery run on Mondays after my long run but it just doesn't seem to be a good idea (for me) to run the day before my long run.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Thursday and Friday

  Yesterday went a lot better this time, we went in stages so I didn't have to pass a lot of people and I was pretty successful at keeping my first mile above a 10 minute pace.... that wasn't the case for the last 2.3 miles. I guess I just had to speed up so I didn't constantly have someone right in front of me on the pathway, I really would have hated running someone over by accident. So I still ended up running 3.3 miles in 32:51 with an average pace of 9:57 min/mile, still the fact that I managed to keep my first mile above 10 minute pace is a good sign.
  Elevation gain of 70 feet and a loss of 70 feet (boring). Temperature was 86 degrees but only 35% humidity so that was bad but the sun was shining down on us and that was tough.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:11
Mile 2 - 9:59
Mile 3 - 9:44
.3       - 9:52

   Now for this morning, it was a pleasant 64 degrees, and even with the humidity at 83% it still wasn't bad so I decided that Rocky and I would go on the trails. Other than the darn spiderwebs, the run was great and I wasn't sore at all. The trails are pretty dry now, not much mud at all so that is a good thing. Rocky and I ran 5 miles in 54:40 with an average pace of 10:56 min/mile so it was definitely not a hard pace and that is good. I can always count on the trails to slow me down :)
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:33
Mile 2 - 10:36
Mile 3 - 10:53
Mile 4 - 11:22
Mile 5 - 10:12

     This weekend is going to be a tough one, the high tomorrow will be 91 with a low of 61 BUT around my usual run will be around 70 degrees, 81% humidity and a dew point of 61.... and sunny but I am only running 2.4 or 2.7 so it shouldn't be bad at all. Sunday is going to be even tougher though, I've got 14 miles scheduled and from 3 AM to 6 AM it is going to be around 75 degrees, and humidity of around 82% with a dew point of 69... yep that is going to suck. Not to mention isolated thunderstorms after 6 AM, and high for Sunday will be 94. Wish me luck.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Slow and Sore 8 Miler

  I am so glad I have two alarms set for the mornings, I guess Tuesday's 3 miler did wear me out but probably mostly because of the heat. I didn't hear my 3 AM alarm go off, which was why I was so surprised when I woke up to my 4:15 AM alarm and saw the time. I got up and half expected Dorian to wake up because he had seemed restless when the alarm went off, but luckily he didn't.
  I had my coffee, didn't eat anything and went to the bathroom (and got dressed) and was out the door by 4:30 AM. It was 72 degrees, 73% humidity and no wind as usual but it didn't feel too awful for the first 30-40 minutes. My quads and calves were seriously sore from Tuesday's run, I had pushed myself too fast trying to go around people and now I was feeling it. It was sore and crappy for the first 3-5 miles.
  Between miles 6 and 7 I had to go to the bathroom, unfortunately I had to kind of walk through a field where drivers passing by could watch me walking so I waited 5 minutes  because I could finally go into the field and find an opening in the woods. I asked God forgiveness because this wasn't just a field...... it was a cemetery, but in my defense there weren't any graves in this corner of the field, the closest was about 50-60 feet away so hopefully I didn't anger any spirits :P
   I spooked a doe and her fawn just before mile 8, which also spooked me. I really wanted 8 miles, and would have been fine with less then 8 miles (but more than 7) due to the not so easy pace Tuesday so I was a little aggravated when I reached 8 miles and was still half a mile from home so I ran another .3 just so I didn't have to walk that far (I like to get into my ice cold bath as soon as possible after my mid-long run and long run).
   I ran 8.3 miles in 1:26:42 with an average pace of 10:27 min/mile which is what I want my easy runs (Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday) to be, but ended up with it today on what should be my progressive mid long run or just a nice fast mid long run. But I didn't fret, I am going to try and learn from my mistakes. Elevation gain of 165 feet and a loss of 155 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:08
Mile 2 - 10:29
Mile 3 - 10:40
Mile 4 - 10:39
Mile 5 - 10:28
Mile 6 - 10:19
Mile 7 - 10:03
Mile 8 - 10:04
.3       - 9:33

   Lesson to be learned, take my dang easy days as easy days dang it!

Tuesday's Crazy, Hectic Team 13 Run

   So, Tuesday evening was the first night of Team 13 and it was a huge crowd. It was 84 degrees with a feels like 87, 55% humidity and dew point was around 68 or something, it just felt freaking awful when they sun would come out and even when the clouds blocked it as there wasn't any wind. To make things a little more difficult, a lot of (new) runners to the group pretty much assumed that since I had a stroller I would be going slower than them... so for the first mile I was pretty much trying to weave a stroller (with front wheel locked) through crowds of people while also keeping my son out of traffic danger. It was really frustrating, I used up a lot of energy just so I would run anybody over. So the next morning I made a suggestion on their facebook page - volunteers hold pace signs, which really I could have suggested they just hold them until we get close to beginning so that runner would be able to sort themselves out and find their group making things easier. One of the main volunteers said something like that, and then letting each group go just a minute or so after the other one to keep them spaced out. Then there was one woman who I thought was a friend and stuff that basically said she hates strollers and can't stand them being on the course, thinks they are dangerous and applauds the races that bans them - while I agree 100% with banning them from races as a race is competitive (I almost ran over a guy with a stroller because he didn't lock the front wheel and it nearly toppled over twice before he even crossed the start line)... I was and am very angered about her opinion that strollers shouldn't even be allowed during training runs, some of us don't have a choice or that luxury and not only that, but I want my son to be a part of my running and grow up with it so this is the best way I can do it. Luckily the other woman came up with a great idea that we'll be trying tonight.
  Anyways, I ran 3 miles in 29:31 with an average pace of 9:49 min/mile, elevation gain of 19 feet and a loss of 22 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:45
Mile 2 - 10:01
Mile 3 - 9:42

   I will make a separate blog for yesterday morning's 8.3 miles. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Thirteen.Two Miles and 2nd Week of Marathon Training Done

  So I woke to my alarm at 3 AM, tired and without much sleep. I had me a Cinnamon Raisin English Muffin and coffee, and then was off and out the door by 3:40 AM. The temperature was 62 and humid and no wind, and I was feeling the soreness from yesterday morning's 3.2 mile run. I ran that run a little too fast, mainly because I really needed to pee from the get go so I wanted to get done as quickly as possible.
  Anyways, I was sore.... my quads and calves were sore and I was still pretty tired with only a few hours of sleep. And I made the mistake of wearing the hydration belt instead of the hydration pack, the 8 oz bottle with a Endurolyte fizz tablet with water pretty emptied itself..... as I ran it just kept spilling out.
   I managed to not consume the Chocolate Hammer Nutrition gu at all, but I did drink all of my water and what was left in the one with the fizz. The run was pretty uneventful, I got the crap scared out of me by a deer and then I "spooked" some beautiful horses. I will be sure to wear my hydration pack from now on during the long runs, better to be prepared than not.
  I ran 13.2 miles in 2:14:22 with an average pace of 10:11 min/mile, definitely slower than usual but that is okay. Elevation gain of 339 feet and a loss of 334 feet, not bad. For some reason, it was really difficult getting below 10:30 minute pace..... sore and the hydration belt was really annoying. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:38
Mile 2- 10:17
Mile 3 - 10:24
Mile 4 - 10:13
Mile 5 - 10:14
Mile 6 - 10:32
Mile 7 - 10:30
Mile 8 - 10:31
Mile 9 - 10:24
Mile 10 - 10:08
Mile 11 - 9:50
Mile 12 - 9:41
Mile 13 - 9:21
.2        - 8:18

    This long run closes out week 2 of marathon training with 34 miles, a good week even with Tuesday's severe storm canceling that run.

Friday, July 4, 2014

A Really Pleasant 6 Miler with Rocky

 So the plan was originally 5 miles, and since I had looked at the hourly forecast I figured Rocky and I would run the trails this morning. I had no idea how amazing it really felt out there until we left, it just felt so freaking amazing. The temperature was 59 degrees, humidity around 88% but the dew point was like 56 or 58 so it didn't feel humid at all.
  I debated on doing 5 or 6 miles for the first 20-25 minutes before deciding I wanted an hour out there. Rocky was feeling pretty good too, I am also pretty sure he was happy to be out there.
  We ran 6 miles in 1:04:24 with an average pace of 10:43 min/mile, elevation gain of 87 feet and a loss of 83 feet. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:53
Mile 2 - 10:29
Mile 3 - 10:16
Mile 4 - 10:47
Mile 5 - 11:36
Mile 6 - 10:20

   Somewhere between 4.5 and 5 miles we ran into a freaking tree, fallen on top/along the trail rather than across it. So we had to climb through that thing which is what slowed us down quite a bit, though I am surprised that the 5th mile was that slow....
   Anyways, I've got 3 miles tomorrow morning with Jumpstart (and Dorian) and then hopefully my 13 mile run on Sunday will go off without a hitch.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Humid 8.6 with Rocky

  This morning's run almost didn't happen, at least without Dorian. My alarm went off at 3 AM, and I realized Dorian was still in his bed (I put him to bed last night at  9:45 and he normally wakes up after 2-4 hours to come to our bed). I was surprised but decided to check on him just in case, it seems he can somehow sense me or something (could have been my bumping his stupid door with my ring on the way out) because not 1 minute later he is awake. I had to change his diaper as it was wet and starting to soak through, then I laid in bed with him for an hour until he finally fell back to sleep and I was able to get up and get ready. I honestly don't know how I am going to sneak out of the house when he is sleeping in his room full time, because I keep his door open and the kitchen light or even the bathroom light hits his room and right at his bed.... that's another concern for another time.
  Temperature was saying 68-70 so I decided to go ahead and take Rocky with me this time, I didn't look at the humidity before leaving. He was excited, and I know he really misses our runs together but I just can't be too careful with this heat.
   We stopped every 1-1.5 miles so he could either rest or get a drink out of the ditches (thankfully there was a storm yesterday evening, which also cancelled my Tuesday night run... dang it). I was sore for the first 3 miles or so, my quads and the humidity wasn't helping at all but after that things did ease up. 
   We ended up running 8.6 miles in 1:25:48 with an average pace of 9:59 min/mile, elevation gain of 200 feet and a loss of 199 feet. I kind of wish I had gone ahead and went for 9 miles but oh well, it is more important to be cautious and eager.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:41
Mile 2 - 10:22
Mile 3 - 10:01
Mile 4 - 10:03
Mile 5 - 10:07
Mile 6 - 9:53
Mile 7 - 9:40
Mile 8 - 9:44
.6      - 8:51

    Not a bad run for humid weather, which turned out to be 94% so blah on that. Yesterday - July 1, marked exactly 4 months until my first marathon.... I am excited and will be counting down monthly until I get under 2 months, then it will be weekly and then daily :D :)