Friday, June 28, 2013

An Easy 5 Miles with some Hills

   I got up out of bed again at 4:30 this morning, of course I paid for it after the run and jumped right back in bed. It didn't feel too bad this morning, 81 degrees with humidity at 79% and a dewpoint of 69, and the sun was not out so that helped a lot too. This was a pretty slow and easy run, 5 miles in 51:53 with an average pace of 10:22 min/mile, haven't really ran that slow for 5 miles in quite some time. Elevation gain was 96 feet and loss was 95 feet, but the hills didn't come until almost mile 3.
  I've got 9 miles to run Sunday, hopefully my legs will be up for it though after the run my right leg was hurting a little on the walk back to the house, mainly my knee and butt cheek. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:12
Mile 2 - 10:19
Mile 3 - 10:21
Mile 4 - 10:13
Mile 5 - 9:45

    So I kept it relatively easy and slower than normal. though I don't like this slow but it didn't feel strenuous or exhausting which is a good thing as this was supposed to be an easy recovery run and that is what seemed to be.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

This Morning's 7 Mile Progression Run

   I actually got up and out the door by 4:25 this morning to do my run, it was 79 degrees and humidity was 89% but it wasn't awful since the sun was still down. My plan was 6.2 but I decided to go ahead and push it back up to 7 miles, but try and take it easy. I had a few sips of water and a real fruit strawberry popsicle before the run, and that helped. I also decided to weigh myself before I went out, at 139.2 lbs just because I was curious as to how much fluid I would lose during this run. 
   I ran the 7 miles in 1:07:35 with an average pace of 9:39 min/mile, and an elevation gain of 115 feet and a loss of 112 feet. Overall it went well, though I had to stop about 2 times other than for traffic when crossing 62 (twice), just to catch my breath and stop an oncoming side stitch.
  My splits/laps were:
Mile 1 - 10:42
Mile 2 - 10:06
Mile 3 - 9:15
Mile 4 - 9:40
Mile 5 - 9:26
Mile 6 - 9:23
Mile 7 - 8:59

     So overall, it was a nice progression run with probably a .3 mile walk afterwards to get to the house. I got in and immediately weighed myself at 136.6 lbs, so 2 lbs and 12 oz total was lost during the run I think. I'm wondering if it would be wise to take a small handheld bottle of water with me when my long runs reach 9 miles and up, especially during this warm weather and the crappy humidity.

Monday, June 24, 2013

This Afternoon's 5 Miler

  I wasn't able to get my run in this morning, it was raining cats and dogs and I knew that if I had gone out there I would have had my shoes and socks soaked before I got to the end of the driveway. So I had to wait until this afternoon, when the sun came out and the humidity went up but I knew I had to get out there and run. The temperature was 79 degrees with the humidity at 74%, and it wasn't a fun 79 degrees either.
  I tried to keep myself slow and easy, but I felt more comfortable just under 10:00 min/mile. I ran 5 miles in 49:57 minutes with an average pace of 9:59 min/mile. I made sure to hydrate myself all day, and eat enough calories so that the heat and run wouldn't hurt me and it seemed to help.
  My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:11
Mile 2 - 10:06
Mile 3 - 10:01
Mile 4 - 9:49
Mile 5 - 9:48

   Overall it wasn't a bad run, I wasn't dying like Saturday morning's run but of course I wasn't going as fast which is what an easy/recovery run is supposed to be like. Hopefully Wednesday I can get out in the morning and run, rather than wait until the afternoon/evening.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Laufenfest 5k and the Color Run 5k

   This isn't going to be a big race report, I am not really pleased with the results of this race, the humidity and heat and my mistake of where I stood at the start effected this race. The morning started out well, I had coffee and water but nothing else and I didn't feel that I would really need anything else. I knew it was going to be humid, and I figured I probably wouldn't PR due to that factor.
    I got there early, went to the bathroom 3 times and then found a place in the mass at the start. I figured there'd be more people joining so I thought I was in the middle, I soon found out that I was in fact closer to the back and I wasted so much energy for the first half of the race zigzagging and going around other runners and walkers. I was pretty annoyed, and to make things more aggravating I had a side stitch threatening me the whole time. The temperature was 77 degrees with 84% humidity, and it was freaking miserable!
   Around mile 2, I wanted to slow down and in fact I even wanted to stop but I kept going, I kept pushing it. My legs were in the race, my body wanted to push it and tear through but my heart and mind just wasn't in it this time, and that was driving me crazy. Even when I saw the finish, normally gaining some crazy amount of energy causing me to push harder, that didn't happen this time. I wanted to stop and walk, even just sit down. What was almost worse was I almost got ran over at the finish by two jerks I had passed just after mile 3, but I am not going to let that really bother me. I just about puked after crossing, but it didn't happen. 
   I ran the 3.1 miles in 26:02 with an average pace of 8:23 min/mile, about a minute slower than the Newburgh Rivertown Trail 5k, and over a minute slower than my goal was. I am going to do my best not to let this bother me, but it is hard because I wanted so badly to get under 25:00 for this one. 
My splits were:
Mile 1 - 8:26
Mile 2 - 8:32
Mile 3 - 8:23
.1      - 7:58

  Lessons I learned at this race, no more competitive races in June or July as I cannot handle the heat and humidity. Second lesson, no matter what, from now on I start closer to the leaders of the pack. I don't care how many people might have to pass me in the beginning, I am done wasting energy passing people.

  The Color Blaze 5k was a walk, a hot, miserable 51 minute walk. At 11 in the morning it was 86 degrees and 62% humidity, sun out and it felt like 92 degrees. I can honestly say 3.1 miles sucks when you are walking it, and I couldn't believe the amount of people bringing infants and toddlers to this, walking them in strollers while they screamed and cried miserably the whole time. It was unbelievable! I don't know if I will do this again next year, just because of the heat. We went to Subway afterwards, and while changing my clothes in the bathroom I got sick, I probably experienced some sort of heat exhaustion or dehydration today, and it sucked. 
  Anyways, there are my two races today and another lesson to learn: don't do more than 1 race a day anymore.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A 10k Progression Run this Morning.............

   I got out the door just before 6 this morning, and took on 6.2 miles trying not to push myself too hard but still giving it some effort. It was about 66 degrees with humidity at 94%, and sunny. The first mile was sluggish, so I did my best to pick up the pace but keep it smart. I've got a serious race this Saturday morning that I just signed up for yesterday, a 5k that I really want to get under 25:00 minutes but I am not really sure if that will happen.
   At mile 3 I paused and took a minute or two to breath, then start back up heading home. It took some effort this morning, and so I figure I'll rest the next two days so my body can be ready for the 5k race Saturday morning. I ran the 6.2 miles in 56:44 with an average pace of 9:09 min/mile, my splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:48
Mile 2 - 9:15
Mile 3 - 8:53
Mile 4 - 9:05
Mile 5 - 8:53
Mile 6 - 8:17
.2 Mile - 7:54

    After this run I am going to take easy Thursday and Friday, avoiding a lot of walking, running or anything that works my legs. I need them well rested for Saturday even if I don't finish in the top 3 of my age group, or even the top 10 for that matter. I want a finish time below 25:00 minutes and that is all that matters.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Very Humid 4 Miler

  Maybe my body needs 24 hours between my long run and my next recovery run, but this morning's run was sore and a bit exhausting. It doesn't help that I barely get much sleep anyways, but I got out there and I got 4 miles in. Originally I had planned for 5 but my calf and quads are complaining a little after yesterday's 8 miler so I just went with 4 instead.
   I ran 4 miles in 42:30 with an average pace of 10:37 min/mile, elevation gain of 65 feet, loss of 70 feet. Temperature was at 72 degrees with a humidity of 100% and no wind, so in other words it was pretty freaking miserable to be honest. The first mile was slow, the second wasn't much faster and the 3rd was pretty much the same. The fourth mile was about 2 minutes faster than the 1st mile.
Mile 1 - 11:31
Mile 2 - 10:36
Mile 3 - 10:38
Mile 4 - 9:41

   This has got to be my slowest easy/short recovery run in months, but I am not going to complain because I've got worry about my legs and how my body is doing rather than pushing myself. Plus, I ran 8 miles yesterday in 1:15:43 with an average pace of 9:22 min/mile so that makes up for this slow run today.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

My 8 Mile Long run

    I wasn't able to get my long run in this morning, I needed the sleep badly so I had to wait until tonight. I'll be honest and say I felt like crap just about the whole time, with a temperature of 79 degrees, humidity at 79% and barely any wind. I am just glad I got it over with, and I hope the 5 mile recovery run tomorrow morning goes nice and easy. I ran the 8 miles in 1:15:43 with an average pace of 9:22 min/mile, elevation gain of 177 feet and a horsefly chasing after me half the time.
    My splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:51
Mile 2 - 9:32
Mile 3 - 9:51
Mile 4 - 9:49
Mile 5 - 9:38
Mile 6 - 9:34
Mile 7 - 9:09
Mile 8 - 8:19

  Overall, it was a good pace for 8 miles and I am looking forward even more so to the Evansville Half Marathon this October. If I can manage a 9:22 min/mile pace in this awful humidity and temperatures, then I cannot wait to see what I can do in 40-55 degrees and like no humidity. Of course that is as long as I don't injure myself which can always happen. Either way, first 8 miles in a few weeks and it went well. Next weekend is the Color Blaze 5k at the 4H Center, I don't really plan on racing it but just enjoying it so I might try for a 6 mile long run later or before the race.

Friday, June 14, 2013

This Morning's Run

  This morning I decided to run a route with more hills, or in other words lots of hills. Sadly I did not break 200 feet in elevation but just 143 feet for 5 miles.I was kind of disappointed but oh well, I know those hills will help me during races and towards my goal of breaking 2:10:00 for the Evansville Half Marathon.
   I ran the 5 miles in 50:19 with an average pace of 10:03 min/mile, not bad with 143 feet of elevation gain and 140 feet of loss.  The temperature was beautiful at 63 degrees with humidity at 77%, NW winds at 5 mph.
  My splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:02
Mile 2 - 10:13
Mile 3 - 10:11
Mile 4 - 9:43
Mile 5 - 9:07

   Not bad, the last 2 miles were on pretty flat ground while the first 3 were extremely hilly so I am pleased to see that I still had the energy to pick up the pace after all that.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Rough Night, and I am Feeling It

I guess Dorian is really teething right now, he pretty much slept with us all night. The two times that I tried to put him in his crib he would wake up and start crying so I ended up just keeping him in bed. I figured I wouldn't get up this morning to run, but luckily my alarm went off at 5 and I snuck him into his crib with no issues. After about 25 minutes of getting ready I was out the door for my run.
I decided to reluctantly run a route with some hills, mainly because I know the hills will help me get stronger and faster, second because I don't like doing the same route constantly and the only other option was the hilly part for the beginning. The hills sucked, but I'm glad I did them and got it over with. I ran 6 miles in 1:00:34 with an average pace of 10:05 min/mile, which I am blaming partially on those hills. The elevation gain was 184 feet, it was 75 degrees starting out with humidity at 94% and the dew point at like 78% so it wasn't awesome. 
My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:45
Mile 2 - 10:23
Mile 3 - 10:30
Mile 4 - 10:10
Mile 5 - 9:43
Mile 6 - 9:01

   Not bad with all those hills, I think I am really feeling yesterday's bike ride and the less than 4 hours of sleep last night. So much so, that I get to work this morning to find out my shorts are on inside out.......... I think I'll be going home around 2-3 this afternoon and going to bed because I really need sleep and it was tough just to keep my eyes open on the way into work.

Monday, June 10, 2013

This Morning's 5 Mile Run

   I almost didn't think I was going to get out and run this morning, Dorian was determined to stay awake and I figured I would end up having to take him with me for my run. After ten minutes of driving I turned around, I knew a run pushing the stroller would stuck horribly and I didn't want to hold it against him. We got back home and he was fast asleep, so I put him back in the crib and went for my run, luckily he stayed asleep.
  It was around reaching 70 degrees, 66 degrees with 100% humidity and I will say that was a bit tough and I would definitely have died if I had taken Dorian with me. Thankfully I didn't, so I got my run in and everything is fine and dandy for the moment.
  I ran 5 miles in 48:26 with an average pace of 9:41 min/mile pace so pretty good though I wanted to slow a bit down and that didn't happen. I had an elevation gain of 92 feet, humidity at 100% and no food in the stomach, and still felt great during and after.
  My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:26
Mile 2 - 9:45
Mile 3 - 9:25
Mile 4 - 9:49
Mile 5 - 8:58

   I had almost done what I wanted and slowed down at mile 4, but then I picked it back up for some reason at mile 5. I weighed myself afterwards at 138.6 lbs so I feel great, I am under 140 and getting closer to my goal of 134-135 lbs as long as I stick to my diet and exercises. Hopefully Wednesday will be easier getting out the door.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Howl at the Moon 5 Mile Trail Race

  Last night I was pretty nervous and excited, this was my fist trail race and it was at night so I got to wear my headlamp. Part of me thought it would be better to have registered for the 5k, not the 5 miler but I knew that if I did that I would immediately regret it and wish I had done the 5 miler. In other words, I stuck with the 5 mile part of the race.
DH took a couple pics of me before the race:

  It started at 9 p.m. and I was a bit in the back and we couldn't hear anything they were saying, but I wasn't worried about that. Everything was going real well for the first mile, everything was marked good and there wasn't any confusion. It was around the time we came out in a cornfield and hit two trails and one sign saying 5k..... but no 5 miles so we went the way that didn't have a sign. At that point we didn't think we were lost, by that time I was up with the brave leaders who were trying to find their way through. 
  We hit a dead end just before 1.5 I think, turned around and took this other trail with no tape, or sign. Before long we were pretty sure we were headed in the right direction again, I took up behind the girl that was leading and figured I knew these trails and I knew my way out if nobody else did. It was after a few minutes that we heard girls screaming, it sounded like they had broken their leg or something. It turns out they had gotten lost on a trail and decided to get off the trail and walk through the woods trying to find another trail or someone (excuse me, brave and crazy but thorns and wild animals... no thank you), when we confirmed that they were okay we headed on. It just got confusing from there on.....
  Just around mile 2.75 we hit a group of 5 milers coming from where we were headed, they were lost and kept going that way. We ran through muck, mud, slosh and other nasty crap I don't want to know about and I am so glad I didn't wash off my trail shoes for this race because it would have been a huge waste of time. I think when we came upon the levee we hit multiple groups that were lost, there was one small 5k group that had already hit 4 miles instead and still didn't know where they were going. Now that I look back on it, it is actually kind of hilarious really and what was even funnier was that we were all more concerned about getting our 5 miles in before finding the finish than we were finding the finish. Eventually I hit the trails and tried to make up 5 miles, winding through and bumping into others who were either lost or making up some mileage, I saw the finish and still have about a quarter of a mile left which really aggravated me but at that point I was annoyed and done with it. After looking at the course map I can see where that quarter went, we missed a turn although I know that trail was completely muddy and just more like water than trail, oh well I guess.
  DH got a few pics, a couple of me before and after because again he isn't familiar with my camera and don't know how to work the focus.
  Overall, it was a fun run if you don't think about start or finish and I hope they have it again next year and maybe a Halloween run this year because that would easily freak out a lot of people. I won't say I ran 5 because my garmin says 4.7 and so my time was 48:29 for the trail race.
During start and after pics:

 If you look at the guy in the green shirt furthest to the left at the booth table under the tent, that is lee (thekl0wn).

DH wanted to catch the sweat glistening off me. I was tired, and still aggravated dang it.

Friday, June 7, 2013

This Morning's 4 Mile Run

  I didn't realize until last night that my 5 mile trail race is tomorrow night, and not wanting to skip today's run I decided to just cut it 1 mile shorter than planned. It wasn't bad, at first I thought I had made a mistake and should turn around but after the first mile everything started warming up. I feel really good about being able to get up and out of bed early in the morning to do my runs, though I do miss being out on the greenway and having to run shirtless (I am proud to show off what I've worked so hard for) but I do enjoy running in the cooler mornings even if the humidity is 94%. It feels better in 68 degrees than in 75 degrees and up, and the sun was blocked by the clouds so that helped more. Overall it was a good run, I ran the 4 miles in 39:57 with an average pace of 9:58 min/mile, elevation gain 79 feet, loss of 82 feet.
   My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:54
Mile 2 - 10:12
Mile 3 - 9:32
Mile 4 - 9:16

  So overall not bad at all, and I am glad to have gotten it out of the way again. Maybe I can take Dorian somewhere for some photographing his adorable little self, or just relax. Tomorrow night is going to be interesting, my first real trail race and it's going to be at night. The awesome thing is I will get to use my headlamp for the first time ever, I won't be running like crazy but I am going to have fun with it and see how good I can do.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What Running Means to Me

   Running has a few meanings for me, time to myself, therapy without the expensive price tag, and to burn some extra energy so that it doesn't become negative energy. Most of all, running to me is Freedom. I love being able to use my body to get me somewhere, I like that it slows me down and I can enjoy the scenery but at a good pace, running gives me a sensation so primal, so wild that my body feels it long after the run is over and a peaceful serenity washes over me. There are so many activities out there but running is as old as time itself, running to survive, running to cover a distance whether it was to find new territories, to keep up with our food source, or running from a predator, or just running for the sheer enjoyment of it. Running is in our blood, and when I run I can almost feel ancestors long dead and gone running with me, and sometimes when out on a trail I can almost see them and hear them. 
     My reasons might be different from others, but during races and group runs we're all together and none that of that matters. Our differences are set aside and we are out there, breathing hard and steady, our footsteps sometimes in sync and sometimes not. Our hearts beat strong, using our bodies to push forward and forsaking all contraptions that have encouraged lazy behaviors in us. Even after crossing the finish line or finishing up the group run, the feeling lingers and I feel empowered. Running gives me an amazing feeling, and there isn't anything else quite like it. Happy National Running Day to everyone.

National Running Day

  I woke up this morning at 5:30 and immediately thought I wouldn't be able to get my run in, but I fed Dorian and had him back in his crib by 5:45 and I was able to get out the door by 6 (probably my fastest time getting ready so far). I didn't know it was National Running Day until I got back so I am even happier that I got out and ran my 6 miles. It started off a bit slow but eventually I picked up the pace and it went well overall, no pain or really any kind of achiness in my legs so that is good. I avoided the big hills again, mainly because I just want to keep being careful.
  I ran the 6 miles in 57:53 with an average pace of 9:38 min/mile so it was good, not my fastest progression run but not sluggish or slow and pretty darn good for not having eaten anything before then and only have a couple sips of water. It was 64 degrees with a humidity of 77%, and some sun but the wind was only around 3 mph. Total elevation was 136 feet, I am now trying to pay attention to the small inclines and any kind of elevation changes just out of curiosity.
   My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:46
Mile 2 - 9:57
Mile 3 - 9:45
Mile 4 - 9:40
Mile 5 - 9:12
Mile 6 - 8:31

  And then a .2 mile walk to cool down. I would definitely have to say it was a nice progression run, the splits were very nice even with the first mile being close to 11:00 minute pace.
  I might go for an easy 2 mile walk later today, or take Dorian out to a park and enjoy the weather with him. We will just have to see how the day goes and where my energy level is at by then. Anyways, Happy Running Day to everyone, hope your day goes really well.

Monday, June 3, 2013

This Morning's 3 Mile Run

   I was actually able to get up at 5 in the morning, take care of Dorian and get him back to sleep and I was out the door by a quarter til 6 for my run. It was nice getting out there and running that early, and getting the run out of the way and getting to work at 8.
   I had planned 5 but decided that I still needed to be a bit careful with my legs and ensuring that there is no serious injury or that I don't cause one. I am probably going to aim for 20-23 miles per week for the next 2-3 weeks until I know for sure there is no injury. Then I will slowly bump it back up to 25 miles per week for a month or two, and see how things go. I just want to make sure that this Fall's three half marathons go really well, while definitely wanting to PR at the first one in October hoping for a time 2:10:00 or below. The next two don't have to be PRs, but I will enjoy them especially the middle one which is going to be just for enjoyment.
   Wednesday is going to be 6 miles, and Friday will most likely be 5 miles on Friday and Sunday will hopefully see 8 miles.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Today's 7 Mile Long Run

   This morning I went out for my 7 mile long run, I actually got out the door by 7:05 which is the earliest in a long time. I'd like to do my runs in the morning before work, around 5 a.m, if Dorian will sleep the whole time. Then I could shower and be out the door by 7-7:30 a.m. Then, instead of having mom watch Dorian for my runs, I could have her watch him so I can go out and shoot (my camera).
  Anyways, it wasn't a bad run though my knees were being achy which is what kept me from pushing for 8 miles, and my right hamstring was getting tight after mile 6. I'm being sure to stretch afterwards, and I had a mile to walk back to the house. I ran 7 miles in 1:12:52 which isn't my fastest at all with a pace of 10:24 min/mile, about a minute slower than my last 7 miler which was my progression run. Supposed elevation gain of 352 feet, but I am not going to focus too much on that one.  
   My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:53
Mile 2 - 10:06
Mile 3 - 10:11
Mile 4 - 10:16
Mile 5 - 10:28
Mile 6 - 10:45
Mile 7 - 10:11

  A bit sad for me, what with my last 2 months of under 10 min/mile runs but I am just trying to be careful and ensure that my legs are fully recovered and read for the races this Fall.