Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Might be some Hope Afterall

  With only 4 days until the Half Marathon, I finally decided to look a little deeper into what could be the problem, and hoping that it isn't a groin tear or adductor tear I am icing my quad and taking ibuprofen and my leg does already seem to be getting better but I am not going to get my hopes up. Research suggests I ice every hour for 15 minutes so I am going to try and do that while I am awake and take ibuprofen even though some suggest otherwise as it can dull the senses from pain. I am definitely going to take 3 ibuprofen pills 3 hours before the Half Marathon when I wake up to eat a bit (and go back to sleep). I am going to try and stick to the RICE thing, and hope for the best.
   I am excited, but nervous of course. I am really hoping things go well enough for me to enjoy the Indy Half, this will be my 3rd Half Marathon race and my first one out of town and I do not want to regret it. We're going to be taking Dorian to the Indianapolis Zoo to see the dolphins, walrus and others so that will make the trip worth it no matter what happens during the race.
  I am going to keep my fingers crossed, and hope that these next few days with icing and stretching and foam rolling will make a huge difference before the race Sunday.

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