Sunday, October 28, 2012

This Morning's Chilly 3 Mile Run

   Yesterday I did some squats, forgetting that I would be running sometime this morning but the squats didn't affect me. I wanted to get up at 6 a.m but Dorian kept me up all night grunting and whimpering so I was constantly waking up just to put the pacifier back in his mouth. Instead I got up at 7, I think the temperature was around 35-38 degrees which didn't feel bad except for my fingers were cold. I am going to have to remember to wear gloves from now during my runs under 40 degrees. I ran 3.07 miles in 36:31, the soreness is still there but not bad. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:09
Mile 2 - 12:11
Mile 3 - 11:28
.07 - 10:06 (haha)

  I think today is an off day for Molly, but I know she is going to have a lot of those now. Cameron and I both agreed that if we had put her down Friday it would have been murder, she isn't ready to go, she is tired and feeling old but she still has that spunk, like those sassy old ladies you love to meet and talk to. The exhaustion comes and goes for her, but she loves this chilly weather and I wish I had a fenced in yard so I could let her go out and lay in the grass and enjoy the air. Unfortunately her age has not done anything to her wondering ways and she has no problem ending up in the other fields around the house when I am not looking. Yesterday morning she was demanding me to take her out so I took her out in the back field, letting her sniff and enjoy the cold, and the wet grass. She was happy out there.
 I will gladly take her out whenever she wants to, because I know there won't be a lot of those days. I won't force her to go to work with me if she doesn't have the energy, I will let her sleep all day at home if she wants to, she'll let me know what she wants as she has always had no problem doing all her life.

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