Sunday, October 7, 2012

2012 YMCA Half Marathon Results

   Things did not go quite as awesome as I had hoped and prayed, but they did not go as awful as I expected after mile 5. My leg is still have issues, and I am beginning to think it is the IT band (again) mainly, my right leg gave me trouble up to mile 9 while my left leg was feeling fine but then my left leg started up. Then just a little ways past mile 10 my right leg felt like it snapped, like somebody grabbed it and tried to break it in half. Shauna and I stopped and stretched a bit, then got back to it. That knee gave me trouble a couple of more times but we pushed on, I was disappointed with our pace as I was really hoping we could run 1 minute faster, everything but my legs were feeling today. In short our time was 2:34:52 on my Garmin, 2:36:39 which is about right as we got to the starter mats about 2 minutes after the gun went off. We stopped once around 3 miles cause Shauna had to use the restroom but there were no other stops until the 10 mile stop. I am not very happy with how I did, but I just have to keep saying that I ran it and I finished it and I have my finisher's medal and can wear my race t-shirt proudly.
   Tomorrow when I get pictures loaded on the computer I will edit this blog post. It was not a negative split:

Mile 1: 11:15
Mile 2: 11:10
Mile 3: 11:17
Mile 4: 11:50
Mile 5: 11:48
Mile 6: 11:46
Mile 7: 12:00
Mile 8: 12:21
Mile 9: 12:01
Mile 10: 12:24
Mile 11: 12:46
Mile 12: 12:36
Mile 13: 11:30
0.02 Mile: 7:35

  They claim it was 13.1 but my garmin says different... I guess I will edit the mileage to see. Putting it at 13.1 instead of 13.02 my average pace was 11:46 so not much difference really. This photo is my favorite though, and it is worth every second of pain and suffering I went through.

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