Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tonight's Run Went Well, but My Guardian Angel is Not

   First off, these last few months have been difficult for my girl Molly, I mainly thought it had to do with her aging but I was wrong. Last night Molly began to hack up foamy, bright pink blood, and we feared it was Congestive Heart Failure. It really sucks, there are no words to describe how I feel. Molly "found" me when she was 7 months old and I was 11 years old, she has been by my side for 13 years now. Through my teen crap, moving out of my mom's house, getting married and finally having my first baby, she has been through it all with me. Now I have to come to terms with the fact that I will be saying goodbye to my best, best friend in less than a year if not 6 months. For over 2 months she has been going back and forth, showing exhaustion and signs of giving up, and then within 24 hours back to her ole, spunky self. I took her to the vet this morning, and it isn't CHF.... the x-rays show cancerous spots all over her lungs, and fluid in her lungs. There is no cure, no way to slow it down without spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars for only 1 or 2 years, and I know she wouldn't want that. I am going to try and make her last few months, weeks or days as comfortable and peaceful as possible. Next weekend I'll be 25 years old, and she will be 14 years old which is a pretty big number for a dog that is around 60 lbs. Other than this problem, she has been in really great health all her life, I was just hoping she could make it to 15-17 years old, at least wait until Dorian was walking, talking and laughing with her before she went. Last year I told Cameron that she wouldn't leave me until she knew I was going to be okay without her, and Dorian was that sign for her to know that it would be okay to pass on if she had to. I don't want her to go, but I know that I cannot make her live forever, but I would give her 10 years of my life if I could.
   I went ahead and ran, I didn't feel up to it with all the stress over Molly but then after eating 2 long johns that morning, I had to go and work it off. I ran 3 miles, and then did a cool down walk for .5 miles. My leg is starting to feel better but there is still some soreness there, though it doesn't really affect my stride... I feel as if it does... My time was pretty much like last time, 35:07 and the splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:29
Mile 2 - 11:39
Mile 3 - 10:57
  So I did pick up the pace with each mile, and it helped me deal with Molly's news. I would like to get back to running 3 times a week with my two runs being 5 miles, but I won't increase my mileage until I can run 3 miles without any pain. 

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