Monday, October 8, 2012

The Day After

  I don't think one part of my legs/lower body isn't sore, I am wishing they made ice sleeves for legs because everything needs icing and I only have 2 ice packs so it is taking time. Even right under my butt cheeks are sore lol, my ankles and my right foot, my knees, my hamstrings and quads, inner thighs, my IT band. EVERYTHING hurts and I am limping when I walk. It sucks but it is also worth it, I finished and got my medal which looks awesome. My main concern now is when to get my first run in after the race, how many days should I wait to heal and rest.... I want to try 3 miles Wednesday but I think it might be smarter to wait until Thursday (or Friday). I am going to start off small, 3 miles a couple of days and if everything is okay or at least doesn't put me in such pain that I can't run or walk right. I am icing things right now, and after I shower I will use the foam roller and then maybe stretch my calves, quads, IT band and hamstrings as they all feel so tight right now. I am not really sure how I am going to ice my hams until I get to the shop where the ice pack holder is, that way I can at least try to keep it in place. If it wasn't 40 degrees outside and the furnace inside was actually working, I'd probably try to throw some ice in the tub and fill the rest up with water but I've never done that before and wonder how well that would work out.
  I am not at the office yet so I don't have the photos to put on here until I get there. The first guy to cross the finish line had a time of 1:07:16 which the pace calculator says was a 5:08 pace and that is crazy, heck right now that is my time for 6 miles if my legs aren't killing me. It is crazy to think of that pace, my goal this winter is to work on my pace and get closer to a 9:30 minute pace though it now all depends on my legs and their recovery. We'll just have to see how things go.

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