Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Last Night's Bike Ride

   Cameron and I went for what turned out to be a 7 mile bike ride last night, I felt that I probably could have done twice that without any real effort but he needs to start off slow and easy right now. I feel great with the bike ride but tonight I am not sure what I am going to do, run with Dorian or rollerblade with him.... rollerblading would be easier on my joints but running a mile or so would tell me whether my "injuries" are healing or not. The 7 mile bike ride only burnt half the calories that running 7 miles would, a bit disappointing but I am okay with it because at least we got out there and did something active. I love rollerblading, last Saturday I took Dorian for a 1.6 mile walk and then I threw my rollerblades on and we went for 2 miles. The walk had me hurting, my bottom left foot and my right lower hip and quad so I was expecting some soreness the next day and even during the rollerblading.... but nothing; in fact I woke up Sunday morning with absolutely no pain whatsoever in my legs, I felt great all day. I guess I will have to debate all day what I plan on doing..... and it also depends on how Dorian feels about it, we'll just have to see.
    I really want to try out my new shoes dang it, but now with Cameron's new found love and energy with biking, I don't want to be constantly having mom watch Dorian every evening but with the weather getting colder I don't want to be taking him out for runs or rollerblading. I might have to do my runs in the early mornings...but right now Dorian is dealing with his teething and some constipation issues, I am going to have to cut back on solids and slow it down a bit even though he really enjoys it. Hopefully I can get my butt up tomorrow morning and run before he starts waking up, I should've gone this morning because he didn't start making a peep until around 7:15. We will see how things go tomorrow morning, maybe he'll sleep well again and I can sneak out at 5 a.m. Here's to hoping.

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