Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Windy 38 degrees this Morning

   I almost chickened out of running this morning, Dorian has been up through the last couple of nights whimpering (not sure if his teething is bothering him, or if he is having bad dreams), and he woke me up around 5 a.m this morning and I was worried that I would be able to run at 6 a.m. He eventually fell back to sleep around quarter 'til 6; so I got up and started getting dressed, and that was when I noticed the wind blowing the trees around outside..... I began to question my sanity and I almost chickened out. But I told myself "screw it, let's get this over with", and I headed out (with gloves this time) and my legs are definitely getting better. Hopefully I can up my weekly runs to 3.5 by next week, or at least my long run.
  I ran 3 miles in 34:32 and my splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:25
Mile 2 - 11:46
Mile 3 - 11:19

  Not bad, I wanted to get the last mile under 11 minutes but my lower hamstring and upper calf on my right leg tried tightening up each time I tried to increase my pace, no worries though. I got out there during 38 degrees with 16 mph winds and the windchill making it feel like 30 degrees or colder, and I got my run in so I am happy.

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