Wednesday, October 17, 2012

First Run Since the Race

   This morning I got my butt up at 5 a.m, and ran 2 miles even though I wanted to stay in bed. This was a chance to try out my new pair of Ghost 5's, and they felt great. My legs were still a bit sore, mainly my right groin area, top of the quad and on the outside of my hip. The soreness didn't affect my stride though, in fact I think it forced me to run better. I stubbornly wanted to run 3 miles BUT I know that I must start off slow and easy again, and try to work through this injury so that I can get back to regularly running 5 mile runs during the week and a longer run during the weekends.
    Tonight Cameron and I will be biking another 7 miles like Monday night, so that will help. I really want to rollerblade again, my legs seem to feel so much better the day after rollerblading. Last night I did the plank position for 4 minutes, I've never made it to 4 minutes before, I think the longest was 3:43 about 2 years ago. I would have tried for longer, but my arms were getting exhausted dang it. I would like to make it to 5 minutes before this year is up, I got to 3 minutes last week although my strength comes and goes....some days 2-3 minutes is no problem and then other days my arms don't want to do it or my head can't take it.
   The splits this morning were:
Mile 1 - 11:04
Mile 2 - 10:46
    Eh, not bad but I wasn't trying to go faster, just trying to find a good comfortable stride. 

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